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I need help and advice ...

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    I need help and advice ...

    Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years. He isnt much of a texter and he has these episodes where he wont text me for a few days but hes starting to not text me back for weeks. I send him random good morning, I love yous, and goodnigts and hope that he sleeps well and had a good day. No matter what I send him he doesnt text back. We used to text call and skype all the time but it feels like hes pushing me away and like I am at the bottom of the list. I tell him ill wait and i always tell him how much he means to me and that i understand if he is busy. Im tired of waiting and I honestly dont know what to do. I really need help :/ im falling apart i miss him so much

    I think you need to talk to him about this... not texting back for weeks.. that doesn't sound like a good relationship to me, though before jumping to conclusions.. I think you have a right to know why he can't text you.. texting shouldn't be that hard.. if it's finals season or he has a massive project, it's more understandable.. though I would think he would be able to text you.. at least more than he is doing now! I think you need to talk to him.. see if there is something bugging him, some issue on his mind that is causing him to stress out so he doesn't think about texting... or maybe he feels inadequate about something or maybe needs some space. I'm not sure how old he is.. but your profile thing says 17 so I'm guessing he's around that age.. and that is pretty young.. 2 years would have meant you started dating at around 15.. and young relationships can work out.. but people do a lot of changing in high school.. so maybe he is changing.. maybe he isn't the person for you anymore.

    Though I do feel bad saying that..
    I think the best thing to do would be to try and message him and explain all this to him.. how you feel he doesn't care when he doesn't text you back for days/weeks, and that you miss him, things like that... I think a good boyfriend would take notice of that and try something to fix it. Though, maybe in your message include that if he is busy with things, you will understand and you don't expect him to constantly text you then, but just letting you know that he would be busy would be nice.

    I know my boyfriend doesn't like to text or message very much, though that's because when we can't video chat, he is either sleeping, in class, I'm sleeping, or doing something else he can't message me easily from.

    I hope you figure this out soon. I hope that I am wrong about my initial thinking and that he is busy and will respond to your message and realize he should keep better in contact with his girlfriend if he wants to keep her.

    Good luck.


      I would do like squeeker says and talk with him, but then I'd refrain from texting or calling him first. I'd explain how it hurts you and makes you feel, when he doesn't answer you for weeks. I'd also stop contacting him first. When he texts you, answer. Nothing else for a while. Some guys really want to do the leading; maybe he's one of those. One thing about it, if you don't text for a while and he cares for you, he'll be in touch with you.

