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Scared he might die

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    Scared he might die

    This is a very hard topic for me, and I quite frankly don't know who to talk to for a few reasons:
    1. My friends don't understand that I'm really in love
    2. They will almost certainly advise me to stay away from him before I get more involved emotionally, which is a stupid statement based on the fact that they don't believe I can possibly be in love already
    3. I'm scared that if I say it out loud it will finally be true.

    My post is not really a question, though any advise or support is very well received and mostly needed. I met my SO 3 week ago. I had VERY recently gotten out of my third meaningful relationship, including a divorce. Needless to say I was almost giving up on love or the idea of being able to grow old with someone. As a result of an excessive fear of being a cat lady in the future, I decided to give it one last shot at an opportunity to meet someone, so i joined an online dating site, against my better judgement. And now I'm more glad than ever that I did. I found him, or more like he found me. I can't really explain it, but I'm very certain many of you who read this will understand, but when you know you know. You have this feeling that he has been in your life since you can remember and you've just been waiting for him to come back to you. I know in my heart it's him, my everything, my hope, my dreams, my inspiration, my love and my soul. But now that I've found him and I should be feeling safer and more at home than ever, I feel fear and an unbearable sense of impotence. Not because of the distance, though that sucks, but because he has cancer. Hypothalamic cancer, malignant, to be more or less specific. He's had it for 4 years, he underwent treatment and it reduced quite considerably in size. He lives with pain and other very discomforting symptoms, but still leads a relatively normal life. But now... They found a clot near the tumor and he has to undergo brain surgery. The outcomes are very much like a russian roulette, he can come out fine, he could become a vegetable or he could die. I'm terrified. I can't lose him now that I just found him. Also what makes it worse is that the surgery is on March 17th, I have no means to get there. I'm a single mother of 2 and I can't really afford going there even if I tried saving. There is just no way I can get the money. I just feel hopeless and impotent and anxious and fearful. I try my best to have a great time with him all day and give him my all, but half the time I feel like talking about how I feel, but I don't want to be the harbinger of depression. I have mentioned my fear, but OBVIOUSLY I haven't made it obvious all the time. But I still I feel so afraid to lose him. And it's worse to not be able to talk about it.

    We're meeting in 2 weeks, and we will probably be able to have better conversations about many things in person, but each time we talk about being together and the things we would like to do with our lives I'm just thinking "what if you're not here to do any of those things?". And though it's beautiful to talk about and dream about a future life together it still fills me with this HUGE sinking feeling in my chest, like I couldn't breathe. I love him. I love everything about him.

    You are scared for a very good reason. I will not tell you to feel fine. Things ahead will probably be tough. Are there any cancer support groups you can join? even if you can't see him on surgery day you may give or send him a letter or something to encourage him. Light a candle for him. Tell him you love him and your wishes for a joint future. Wait together and hope for good.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      I think you can care about him after 3 weeks, and that is good, but you probably don't love him enough to be your soul mate after 3 weeks and having not met. I say this in a long term LDR and because I cared for my SO for a very long time but did not love him until several months. Even then I was a bit confused. I think he is filling a hole for you right now more than being the love of your life. I think you are in love with the idea of being in love more than actually doing so. I am not saying it does not happen, it can. I don't think it did in this case.

      My advice to you is to continue to be there for him but keep it in perspective. Don't let the LDR or his illness even near death fast forward timelines that should not be done so. If you do, it will only cause you pain. Take your time and continue to get to know him, see him when you planned to if that is all you can do, and take it from there.

      Tragedy can make people feel stronger feelings than than normally would and when it is gone, the reality sets in. Worse case scenario these are his last days, then be prepared because there is nothing you can do to stop that from happening. If it is that dire, I would try to make sure you have a quick out and/or back-up plan. Good luck and keep us updated.
      "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
      Benjamin Franklin


        I am so sorry. My best friend was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer last year on my birthday and I, too, live in fear that she won't make it for any of the plans we make, even in the medium-term. As terrible as it is on you, it's even harder on him too. I suggest you do your best to support him and not let your fears get in the way of that. My best friend's boyfriend started dating her after she was diagnosed. I'm sure he was (and is) terrified, but he's sticking it out by her side and making plans with her as well. Yes, it is possible that he may die, but right now he's alive, and has more incentive than most to make the most of every day.
        So, here you are
        too foreign for home
        too foreign for here.
        Never enough for both.

        Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


          I'm so sorry to hear this.
          I wish you can be strong through this, be for him as much as you can, and get to know him more and more. I think Hollandia has some good advice with sometimes these tragic situations can lead to stronger feelings developing which maybe wouldn't have normally developed as strongly or as quickly. So keep that in mind, but also just try and not to think about the cancer because that won't help much. Though you could research things that could be done for cancers, try and find a support group for him or you and where you can find people who will better understand.

          My boyfriend had a bit of a health scare a few months ago, and it was quite scary.. I coped by not thinking about it.. he went in for some doctors appointments and he turned out to be fine.. well except major anxiety which is because he has PTSD and OCD and some things sort of triggered it further. Though he's gotten help for that and he is getting better, but it's a journey..

          I wish you all the strength you need to endure in this situation and do what is right and best, and also don't forget about your kids because of this, but make the right choices for all of you.. take care.. be strong.


            Originally posted by Maribeth View Post
            This is a very hard topic for me, and I quite frankly don't know who to talk to for a few reasons:
            1. My friends don't understand that I'm really in love
            2. They will almost certainly advise me to stay away from him before I get more involved emotionally, which is a stupid statement based on the fact that they don't believe I can possibly be in love already
            3. I'm scared that if I say it out loud it will finally be true.

            My post is not really a question, though any advise or support is very well received and mostly needed. I met my SO 3 week ago. I had VERY recently gotten out of my third meaningful relationship, including a divorce. Needless to say I was almost giving up on love or the idea of being able to grow old with someone. As a result of an excessive fear of being a cat lady in the future, I decided to give it one last shot at an opportunity to meet someone, so i joined an online dating site, against my better judgement. And now I'm more glad than ever that I did. I found him, or more like he found me. I can't really explain it, but I'm very certain many of you who read this will understand, but when you know you know. You have this feeling that he has been in your life since you can remember and you've just been waiting for him to come back to you. I know in my heart it's him, my everything, my hope, my dreams, my inspiration, my love and my soul. But now that I've found him and I should be feeling safer and more at home than ever, I feel fear and an unbearable sense of impotence. Not because of the distance, though that sucks, but because he has cancer. Hypothalamic cancer, malignant, to be more or less specific. He's had it for 4 years, he underwent treatment and it reduced quite considerably in size. He lives with pain and other very discomforting symptoms, but still leads a relatively normal life. But now... They found a clot near the tumor and he has to undergo brain surgery. The outcomes are very much like a russian roulette, he can come out fine, he could become a vegetable or he could die. I'm terrified. I can't lose him now that I just found him. Also what makes it worse is that the surgery is on March 17th, I have no means to get there. I'm a single mother of 2 and I can't really afford going there even if I tried saving. There is just no way I can get the money. I just feel hopeless and impotent and anxious and fearful. I try my best to have a great time with him all day and give him my all, but half the time I feel like talking about how I feel, but I don't want to be the harbinger of depression. I have mentioned my fear, but OBVIOUSLY I haven't made it obvious all the time. But I still I feel so afraid to lose him. And it's worse to not be able to talk about it.

            We're meeting in 2 weeks, and we will probably be able to have better conversations about many things in person, but each time we talk about being together and the things we would like to do with our lives I'm just thinking "what if you're not here to do any of those things?". And though it's beautiful to talk about and dream about a future life together it still fills me with this HUGE sinking feeling in my chest, like I couldn't breathe. I love him. I love everything about him.
            Maribeth, While I don't have cancer. I have a congenital ventricular brain aneurysm, congenital Hydrocephalus, and Epilepsy. So I know what it is like to have brain surgery.

            I don't mention that to make you feel bad.

            To compliment you, on caring about him. I had a seizure in front of my (ex)wife. She just stared at me like she was reading Danielle Steele romance novel.

            I wish you were able to be there with him. Because you deserve to be with him

            First Visit: September 2016
            Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
            Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

            John 3:16
            For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
            John 4:12
            I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

