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Help, its complicated, know its a bit long but i still cant write a blog entry, thnx

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    Help, its complicated, know its a bit long but i still cant write a blog entry, thnx

    We are both from Guatemala, he is 4 yrs older than i am, and he's my sister's best friend. We had one date when i was 15, we went to the movies, i don't even have much memory of that night... After that he went to study to California and currently lives in New York, he has a great Job There, i hadn't seen him in years, but i knew my sister and him were still in touch.. When my sister got married she had to go to Connecticut since her husbsnd is working on a medical internship in 2013, they're first new born child was due in august so i decided to visit, i was really excited since it was an hour away from New York and has always been my favorite city in the whole world and never been. I was going to NY on my first weekend and i wanted to see the nightlife, my sister didn't wanted us to meet because she always knew he had a crush on me, at the end we eneded up meeting ando going out (with her permission) and we had our first kiss since then we've been in a ldr and i've been There 2 more times and he came once. We've been having trouble because we end up really sad everytime we have to say good bye, so 2 weeks ago he ended every thing because he couldn't bare the distance anymore and we couldn't have goal due to immigration and visa stuff... We love each other a lot, we are best friends and lovers, and we were in lost of pain so we decided to give us a chance for some more months to see which anwsers we can find, and if we don't just let go since he can't be in ldr that is pointless since theres no way we could work, but i really think we are worth fighting for. I love him <3

    I know it's not what you want to hear, but some people aren't cut out for a LDR. It's hard to be so far away from the person you love.



      I know is really hard, and we are really trying to find anwsers and options to be together, we really have a beautiful relationship, and marriage might not be the anwser just yet, since is really fast and we need to have a relationship to decide if thats what we really want.... I just want to find a way, cause' he really is becoming the one i want to spend the rest of my life with..... Thanks for your reply i know its very complicated....


        If you both care that much for each other then maybe talk it out ya the distance is hard we all know that here but maybe you guys can work out a plan. Though the travel Is hard can he find a way to visit you? Or see what happend after the issue with the visa and stuff (sorry idk how much that works )
        But stay friends for now and things can change


          Work for him is really hectic, hie gets the chance to come every once a year for the holidays, but you are right we do care a lot about each other and have to talk about or current options. Thanks


            If you love each other, fight for it! Maybe look around the international forum and see if there are any suggestions/tips to help you guys with the visas. Get started right away though because I've heard it is difficult and complicated, but if he is worth it and so is your relationship by all means try everything you can before throwing in the towel. Good luck!


              I think it's maybe good you are both taking some time to think.. think about your options, research the possible immigration options for you both, see if there's some way, sometime in the future that you can be together. And also, while you are apart, you can see whether that is the best thing or whether you really are meant to be together. If you love each other and are meant to be together, you should give it time and patience to do things the right way, and stick out the LDR as long as it takes until you can be together one day in the future. Good luck!


                LDR takes patience. And there will be sadness after visits. But it certainly isn't impossible to have them work out if you both want it enough. Focus on what you have now, do lots of research so you know what to do to progress forward in the future, and then just enjoy loving each other as much as possible and building up your relationship. You'll be alright. Welcome to the forums.
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  thank you all! its really nice to have this forums and i feel better now, knowing that you are not the only one going through the same and we all can benefit from this. im looking foward on giving my best in our relationship and fight for it because is worth it! thanks again and im here to help you all too!

