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): Hard before it even begins....

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    ): Hard before it even begins....

    My parents and most of my family and friends know about my situation.. How I'm thinking about turning mine and Sebastien's week fling into an actual LDR. I know It'll be hard with him living in Canada and me living in New York, but I wanna give us a shot. I'm 16, going to be 17 in 5 months and he's 18.. It doesn't help much that my family and friends are all very unsupportive.. Saying thing's like "Your too young for that type of a commitment" and "You don't know what love is yet" and "How can you just limit yourself to someone who lives so far away, that your barely ever going to see, and how would you even be able to trust him" ... It's all filling my head up with doubts, even though my real gut instinct is to not let go of this. Looking around on this site I've seen a lot of happy LDR couple's who are either working on it just like I am or have closed the distance and gotten married/engaged/or moved in together. I'm obviously not thinking about any of that now, but it's just little things like that, that give me hope..

    Is anyone in or was in my situation or a similar one to where you can give me some sort of comforting advice /= and your opinion on what I should do, or how to even go about being in a LDR

    Hi. I'm 20 years old. When my boyfriend and I first met in Japan and started to "fool around". We didn't see ourselves as a couple and never thought we would become one. Think we both had a hard time grasping the idea of a LDR, since he is from Japan and I'm from northern Europe.
    All together we spend around 3 weeks (first 2 weeks, then we met up twice later on different places) in Japan as "just lovers" who couldn't admit how we really felt about each other. We wanted to play it safe. I of course realized I started to have strong feelings for him, since I desperately felt the need to see him. Which was kinda hard, since I had to ask him to meet up with me (a place I needed a flight ticket to go), without admitting it was because I missed him.

    He came to Denmark with me, where we thought the whole thing through. How did we really feel about each other? Were we ready for this kind of commitment a LDR requires? How often would we get to see each other? We decided to become a couple, because we finally admitted we were in love with each other. I knew getting into a LDR wouldn't be easy at all, but I also knew that if I let him go, I would probably regret it for the rest of my life. The second time he came to see me, we decided to make a more clear plan for our future. How we would manage to see each other and how often? And what we would do after I graduate university.

    You're still just 16 years old. Meaning, you don't need to find a guy to settle down with anytime soon. You have time to try out things in your life. If you really feel like this guy is something special and he feels the same way about you, then I don't see why you shouldn't try to work it out together. It should be your own decision, not the people around you. You're the one who understands your own feelings the best.

    It's true, a LDR is not easy. There is hardships, but you just need to figure out if it's worth it. The most important thing is that you don't decide on something you'll regret later on. What is also important is that you're both on the same page about his relationship - since like you said it requires commitment to be in a LDR. So talk this through with him, maybe even discuss the pros and cons if that's what it takes.
    If you're not able to visit each other often, then maybe decide on how you're going to communicate with each other. Since communication really is the key.

    I'm happy in my LDR. I miss him a lot when he's gone, but that just proves I love him. I have no problems trusting him and I'm ready to go through the hard times, because I believe in we have a future together.


      All I can say is follow your heart<3 If you believe in yourself to make this work, then it can!


        Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
        All I can say is follow your heart<3 If you believe in yourself to make this work, then it can!
        Couldn't have said it better myself!
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          I agree. I think that because your "only 16" if you want to give a LDR a chance go for it. Whats it going to hurt any? You know more than anyone else how you feel about your SO and what you want out of your relationship. You can go into it slowly even if your uncomfortable. Don't let anyone make your decisions for you, follow your heart.


            People are always going to bash relationships when it involves young people such as yourself and most of us on here. Peopple are never going to understand young LDR relationships, it's just a fact. Follow your heart.
            Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
            Starting Dating: 5.22.09
            Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
            Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
            Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


              Go for it girl!


                Follow your heart and not what your family says. Many adults say that with 16/17 you don't know the meaning of true love; I don't think this is true. If the guy is really important to you and he would do a LDR as well then go for it
                "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."

