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Another trip over...

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    Another trip over...

    Post visit depression kicks in! It's especially difficult this time around because this will be the longest we'll have gone without seeing each other since we met. I know four months probably sounds like nothing to most of you guys, but it's something I haven't experienced.

    Any tips on making it easier?

    Also, on a brighter note, our visit was amazing. We went to the Arizona Renaissance Festival, the Phoenix Zoo, and the Arizona Science Center and did a lot of other things. Then we spent Valentine's Day/my 21st birthday with my family. It was a perfect nine days,, but it went far too fast.

    Aw, it'll be okay! You're getting married in less than a year!!! Maybe try to focus on that rather than being down <3


      I can relate big time! Until our last visit, I didn't see my SO from October to January. A little over 3 months. That was the longest time we've spent apart. We missed Thanksgiving and Christmas. But I digress. It's tough. My SO and I have accepted that but it doesn't make it any easier. Every goodbye is awful and the tears are flowing, you know the drill.

      The only advice I have is just keep busy. Planning a wedding has to keep you busy I'm sure. Because post visit blues suck. When I needed to cry, I let myself cry. Dealing with those emotions and communicating them with my SO also helps a lot. I know it's tough but hang in there! Once that first month went by, the time flew by faster.

      Sounds like you had a great time with your SO! And that's the best part.


        Focus on the positives! You'll be married in less than a year and seeing each other in even less than that! 4 months will go by quickly if you keep busy as well as make time to talk and keep involved in each others' lives!! Keep busy and take it one day at a time, don't think about the countdown. I'm not even going to count or say how many months it will be before my boyfriend and I are together again in person. Remember how lucky you are to have someone to love and who loves you, no matter how far away you are at the moment.


          Thanks for the responses.


            It is always hard when you go longer than usual. By my experience, post visit blues is worst in the first week. Staying busy REALLY helps. I hardly had time to miss him since I came back starting a new job less than a day after leaving him in the airport... And spending the next weekend with husband/friends. Only downside to that clever plan, is that since I have not mourned it much, it hits harder when I DO think about it. But on overall, busy is good.

            Also, planning the next visit and making him something (like a book/letters/something romantic). Making stuff is SO, SO good for post-visit blues. It is so physical and so here and now, while still giving me an outlet for the fact that I miss my so.

            I know sometimes the best visits hit hard...because you feel perfection slipping away. still, it is a reminder of what good it could be, and probably will be, once you are together.

            You also have a wedding to plan! You can probably do A LOT with this... what about picking a dress, looking at patterns for invitations and table cards, listening and choosing music and so on?
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
              It is always hard when you go longer than usual. By my experience, post visit blues is worst in the first week. Staying busy REALLY helps. I hardly had time to miss him since I came back starting a new job less than a day after leaving him in the airport... And spending the next weekend with husband/friends. Only downside to that clever plan, is that since I have not mourned it much, it hits harder when I DO think about it. But on overall, busy is good.

              Also, planning the next visit and making him something (like a book/letters/something romantic). Making stuff is SO, SO good for post-visit blues. It is so physical and so here and now, while still giving me an outlet for the fact that I miss my so.

              I know sometimes the best visits hit hard...because you feel perfection slipping away. still, it is a reminder of what good it could be, and probably will be, once you are together.

              You also have a wedding to plan! You can probably do A LOT with this... what about picking a dress, looking at patterns for invitations and table cards, listening and choosing music and so on?
              Staying busy with your husband? Are you in two relationships? Hahaha sorry, I've just never noticed!


                Yes, I have dated my husband for nearly ten years and my boyfriend (so) 4-5 months. Actually my husband is a great help for my so when he has post visit blues and I am still travelling. Anyway good luck and stay strong for the next couple of months
                I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                  Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
                  Yes, I have dated my husband for nearly ten years and my boyfriend (so) 4-5 months. Actually my husband is a great help for my so when he has post visit blues and I am still travelling. Anyway good luck and stay strong for the next couple of months
                  Very interesting!! Not something I would do, but everyone has different styles! Kudos to you!


                    I'm sorry and ya it's super hard I'm on the bus ride back home now from brining my fiancé to the airport his plane just left like 10 minutes ago it sucks


                      Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
                      Yes, I have dated my husband for nearly ten years and my boyfriend (so) 4-5 months. Actually my husband is a great help for my so when he has post visit blues and I am still travelling. Anyway good luck and stay strong for the next couple of months
                      Wait you have a husband and BF ? Sorry not sure I got that right


                        Truly tough times, indeed it seems as though this is incontrovertible.


                          O: I hope everything is okay sooner ,or later....

                          I hope that the minimum is towards, and I agree JeCummings.


                            Aw sorry/:
                            Guess well be going through this together. Usually I see my SO once every two and a half months but now I have to wait 4 months too.
                            Hang in there, and were all here to support you!


                              Hang in there
                              4 months will go by in a flash! And soon, you'll be a married woman

