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How do you deal with missing your SO...A LOT?

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    How do you deal with missing your SO...A LOT?

    Right now, I'm missing him so much.
    My child is sleeping and I'm laying in bed and even we are talking via text messages, I want to touch him, kiss him,...
    It's been almost 3 years that we are in a LDR and it's more and more difficult.

    How do you guys do to calm the craving?

    I don't know, it's hard during those moments. Though recently I found something that has helped a bit.. and that is looking through our videos from our latest visit in the past summer and putting them together, usually as a sort of music video to my boyfriend singing. Sometimes looking at photos or videos you haven't looked at in awhile can help.. though sometimes it can do the opposite. Just remember how lucky you are to have someone to miss?? I don't know.. its hard.. I've been in an LDR for 3+ years so I know the feeling.. we talk all the time but sometimes the feeling hits me how much I miss being right next to him. Just stay strong, it's normal.. keep talking and tell him how much you miss him.. maybe you could exchange videos or pictures of each other, help each other feel more in the same moment?


      I am a mess when I miss him, so the only way for me to keep my mind off of it is to do things that keep me busy. I usually end up reading or practicing my flute just to do something. If I sit around and think about him I will go crazy. Also, since we spend so much time talking. I let those times that we can't talk be time for myself. I just relax. I love him and never want to be away from him but I also enjoy personal space sometimes. So maybe try giving yourself some "me time". Do something that makes you feel good. He'll be there when you get back so enjoy the time you have to yourself. That's what really works for me.

      I wish you the best!


        It's hard at the moment as his internet is broken down, it's been like that for a couple weeks now. So it's just texts and we can IM on work mornings and sometimes also during the day when at work. Normally we Skype weekend mornings and also in the evenings through the week. Not knowing when we'll see each other again for certain makes it hard too. We're hoping it will be Easter, but I'm not sure if I can afford to go then. (He won't be able to travel here then). And also not knowing when we can start our future together, is hard at times.

        I'm sorry I'm not much of help today


          I don't know what will work for you, but what works for me is:
          - be in daily contact, especially Skype but also emicons on Viber help a lot, perhaps because then I imagine what he looks like when he sends them
          - make stuff for him. I will start to make him a book that he can use the next time we are apart (send or deliver). I already bought some of the material. I discovered I can be really crafty when I miss someone! It sounds silly, but making them makes me feel so close to him, and in time it may help him feel close to me, when he reads what I made.
          - get him gifts, write lists on what we will do when we are together, prepare journey = all stuff focusing on the next visit
          - keep myself busy! For instance work out, spending time with friends (or my husband), pursue an interest (I like to cook)
          - learn something new or/and something related to your so. I am in the process of building my vocabulary in Turkish and otherwise trying to educate myself more about Turkish way of life
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            Wow thank you a lot for all your answers.
            The most difficult is just before going to sleep. I found something after reading your messages... I look at funny pictures of us. We have a ridiculously hilarious picture that makes me laugh everytime I see it. For now it works. Lol

