hey there guys!
A couple of days ago, I was going through some problems with my SO. There came a time when I needed someone to talk to or just vent out how I feel and wanted to get an opinion on someone who is also going through a long distance relationship.
I just wanted to thank all of you guys who gave me some sound advice during that particular time in my life. I myslef am not very expressive on how I feel but during those lonely times, the members were very supportive.
I am happy to say that after a week of giving me and my SO sometime to think about things, it made us realize the importance of one another and we are working hard on our situation. Hopefully soon to shorten or end the distance between us.
Shout out to Frank and Michelle for having this forum. Helps out a lot of LDR Couples
Especially to squeeker, mellif, differentcountries and chris516. You guys are awesome and superthanks for the sound advice!
A couple of days ago, I was going through some problems with my SO. There came a time when I needed someone to talk to or just vent out how I feel and wanted to get an opinion on someone who is also going through a long distance relationship.
I just wanted to thank all of you guys who gave me some sound advice during that particular time in my life. I myslef am not very expressive on how I feel but during those lonely times, the members were very supportive.
I am happy to say that after a week of giving me and my SO sometime to think about things, it made us realize the importance of one another and we are working hard on our situation. Hopefully soon to shorten or end the distance between us.
Shout out to Frank and Michelle for having this forum. Helps out a lot of LDR Couples
Especially to squeeker, mellif, differentcountries and chris516. You guys are awesome and superthanks for the sound advice!
