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Help need advice I don't know what to do

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    Help need advice I don't know what to do

    Me and my long distance boyfriend have been together for almost two months he lives four hours away with his dad while his mom lives 5 houses down from me. He comes to visit every two weeks or so and it'sfor the weekend he is grounded and we cannot talk because he doesn't have his phone or laptop when we talk on media when he's at his moms but sadly I am moving of course to Florida while he stays in Colorado. His dad has offered to pay for some flights and told him he's going to college in Florida he graduates in 2015. Everyone tells me there's no way me and him could last and tells me to end it now but I think me and him could make it. WHAT DO I DO??

    Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of support and some excellent advice here.

    First, I'm sorry that you are going to be deeper into the world of LDR, but you can make it. Don't panic. Spend some time reading old threads on this forum, and read the tips on the article: The most common tips you get here are to stay in touch and connected with him. You can do that many ways, and you'll need to find the way that works for the two of you. Communicate with him all the time about how you are feeling, but understand guys communicate differently. In an LDR, he will have to talk more than he might on a normal date. You can find questions online to ask to get to know your boyfriend, and they help keep conversations interesting. It's important to let him know when something bothers you, but try not to get overly emotional. Also, don't do like I did at first and overwhelm him with too many texts or emails.

    Second, you both will one day graduate college and move where you want, so your time apart doesn't have to last forever. Look to the future and have hope.

    LDR's are tough, but they have good moments, too. You can make it.


      there's definitely hope!

      my boyfriend and i had a similar situation when we were younger. my boyfriend DID end things, though, because we were too young and he felt we both needed life experience. turns out, he was completely right. i don't think things would've worked out between us if we didn't experience our own lives before making commitments.

      you two sound really young as well. my boyfriend and i experienced life separately for several years but always remained in contact. and eventually life brought us back together again. well almost. (;

