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    Ok, so not too long I posted in the anniversary section letting all of you know that our 2-year anniversary was coming up in September 7th and that I was going to be able to be with my SO for it.

    We were pretty much gambling on dates because he didn't have the money to buy the ticket for me yet, and of course, the date wasn't set in stone. We mostly talked about the possibility of it being after the 7th, and we were okay with a belated celebration. And also because I would have more time to pack calmly since I am best friends with procrastination.

    So far, so good, right?

    Well, here's the kicker; I got a call about an hour ago from him telling me that the flight will be set for September 3rd! That's next Friday! That date was chosen because it was the cheapest flight at the moment. So, I got all nervous because I thought it wasn't going to be enough time to pack up for a 15-day trip and I always get scared of forgetting something.

    So, starting tomorrow, I have to ask my sister to lend me her big suitcase ASAP and get on with the packing. And another thing is that I haven't gotten anything for him (gift) yet and I feel so much pressure now. He understands but it would still make me feel bad if he gets me something and I don't get anything for him.

    So nervous~ >.<

    On the bright side, I'm going to see him in a week!

    calm down

    just make a list of things you need to pack and how much of everything, then pack and tick everything u have in ur suitcase already that way u cant forget anything
    about the present .. I really dont know, sorry, i suck at giving present, i never know what to give people..
    But it doesnt have to be anything big, the thoughht counts

    and its so cool you get to be with him


      Take a few hours to run around screaming happily. Once you've got that out your system, try making a list of everything you need/want to bring, have someone look over it to make sure, and have them help you pack. That way you can still freak out and get things done with someone leveled out. As for a gift, try getting him something from your country, a tourist souvenir he might like so he has a bit of your home with him.

      And congrats! I'm hoping to see my guy in September as well.


        You definitely are an early packer! I'm moving to Orlando for five months... in a week now. Haven't started packing yet. Unless you count the stuff from IKEA that I just never bothered to take out of my trunk. Don't stress about forgetting stuff. I'm sure you'll find a discount store or something if you forget deodorant or whatnot. Just make a list of the SUPER IMPORTANT STUFF, i.e. contacts, glasses, meds, so you don't forget. Stuff you literally can't function without. And lots of underwear!

        As far as gifts, boys are pretty simple. Mine is, at least. For Christmas, I got him an iPod and a hoodie that had quilted coat lining, so it's extra warm. Guess which gift I kept hearing about because he loved it so much? Yeah, not the $200 iPod. Just think about his personality and get him something he might enjoy or find useful. New headphones, a video game, a cool book. I got my SO a copy of "Sh*t My Dad Says" and he loved it. If you have a books/movies/music type store in your area, I'm sure you can find something he'll like. And I promise, he's not going to open it up and say, "I wish you'd been more thoughtful." Anything from you will be special. And boys just like stuff in general.
        "All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need."


          Yay, exciting news!

          Like others have said, MAKE A LIST OF EVERYTHING, check it, then check it again and start packing. And definitely use some time to just go crazy with happiness!


            thats so awesome congrats! generally when packing, I get everything you NEED first in a bag, like money, passport, meds etc then just think what clothes and stuff you need and make a list, tick em off as you put them in your suitcase. as for presents, just think of something he likes, be it a colour, sport, anything and go from there, I got my bf a bowler hat last time we exchanged gifts, I think he would have loved that more then anything expensive i got him =) gifts from the heart are always the way forward =)

            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


              That sounds like great news.
              I hope you will have a great anniversary together.
              When it comes to gifts... I'm no good. Seriously. I'm the person who always gives my friends money or gift-cards. And don't think I'll be any better with my SO. So I most of the time avoid gifts. When he asked what I wanted for my birthday I said nothing (actually in a begging tone) because if he doesn't buy me anything, then I don't have to buy him anything, either. Unromantic? Yes... that's us. We match that way. If I had a super romantic boyfriend, that would put too much pressure on me. I mean... I'm the kind of person who can't even figure out to say "I love you." (I need to think it through a bunch of times - and the words still doesn't want to leave my mouth)

              Originally posted by hellojamie View Post
              You definitely are an early packer! I'm moving to Orlando for five months... in a week now. Haven't started packing yet.
              I thought the same thing. XD Like, September 3rd? That's still a week away.
              I'm a last minute person. When I went to Japan for 10 weeks, I packed an hour before I went to bed. And had no list whatsoever. I'm also moving this Sunday... and yes, haven't packed, yet.


                Thats so great! I agree with the list! Enjoy yourself.


                  Write down a list of things you're probably going to do, and then use that to pack your suitcase. It'll work out great. Grats!!

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    Thanks, guys! I'll definitely make the list.


                    Slight change of plans; The trip has been extended 3 extra days! -does the happy dance-


                      Awww, I'm so pleased for you. It sounds like there is lots of happy dancing required.

                      As for the present, how about thinking up sonething you can do for him. That could be an alternative to giving something. Read up about massage techniques, or lap dancing, or look up some recipes that combine all his favorite foods in to a many coursed meal that you can make during your time there. It might save you some time having to go out shopping. Just a suggestion - it might work, might not.

                      Just have wonderful time. Big Hug.



                        I can't cook but seeing as I just finished studying to become a professional massage therapist, the massage might not be a bad idea. ;D

                        Thanks for the ideas!


                          Awwh! That's great! Congrats!
                          Don't be nervous...take deep breaths... =)
                          And have a good anniversary!
                          This little girl's heart is California bound.


                            Thanks so much! ^.^


                              YAY!!!! I agree.....packing is going to be have p l e n t y of time...I pack for my three kids and I the day before.....If I can pack at the last minute..YOU have plenty of time...

                              :-) I am happy for you!
                              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

