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LDR in-laws?

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    I met Steve's mom 3 days after meeting Steve! Talk about throwing me right in there.... I then met his brother, sis in law, their baby and Steve's brother's mother in law. lol Was a busy busy first meeting

    Steve's mom and I get along very very well. We both have great respect for each other and I can honestly say I love her! After our first meeting, I actually thought she didn't like me.. but I just wasn't used to her personality yet, and I think part of her was still protective over her son (since I was his first ever gf to meet the momma).

    I feel really close to his mom, especially the times I can't talk to Steve. I'll just msg her and we'll chat the night away

    Steve has met my mom and step father, but hopefully on his next trip up he'll be able to meet my grandparents/aunts and uncles, etc.

    My mom and Steve's mom facebook back and forth to each other, so it's nice to know the first time they meet they'll already have things to discuss. The only troubling thing that has come up is my mom is scared I'll move to the states (she doesn't have a passport, terrified to fly.. and not a fan of travelling). Steve's mom is super supportive of this, and has wrote to my mom saying how nice it will be if I get a chance to move to the states. I know my mom got a little defensive at first, but it was just her not wanting to lose her baby (even though we live 6hrs apart now and I only see her 3x/year!lol).

    Regardless of what happens in the future, I know both my parents and my in laws will be very supportive!
    Just be glad we made it here alive
    On a spinning ball in the middle of space


      Neither of us has met each other's families yet. I've only been to Finland once (but am going back in the Spring), and Raine hasn't been to the US yet. Our families both know about us, mine are very cool about it, but I don't know how his feel. I think it's less important for us though, we're both a bit older (39 and 38), so it's not much of an influence on our relationship anyway. His parents don't speak ANY English though, so the thought of a meeting is very intimidating! They're divorced too, so I'd have to do it twice, ugh. We're taking things super slowly, so I figure it'll be awhile before I have to start worrying about it though.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        I've met (and currently live with) Obi's parents, and they are great. They didn't support our relationship at first because Obi never really talked about me before we met in person, so to them it seemed like I'd shown up out of nowhere, but now they love me and take good care of us while were trying to get on our feet. He has a huge family and I've met most of them, they are good people who try to make me feel like I'm not left out.

        I'm an orphan, but Obi met my sister and aunt. My sister actually defended him when I was having a whinge one day, so I know she likes him. She was voting for him long before we met in person too. I'd never have gotten to Canada the first time without her support.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          Originally posted by fcbella View Post
          I met Steve's mom 3 days after meeting Steve! Talk about throwing me right in there.... I then met his brother, sis in law, their baby and Steve's brother's mother in law. lol Was a busy busy first meeting
          I met Chris's parents and older sister 5 minutes after meeting him for the first time in person. It was definitely nerve-wracking!


            Originally posted by Jackie View Post
            I met Chris's parents and older sister 5 minutes after meeting him for the first time in person. It was definitely nerve-wracking!
            Wow!! That's crazy!!
            Just be glad we made it here alive
            On a spinning ball in the middle of space


              I've met my girlfriend's parents several times, and they are very cool with us being together.

              The first time I met her was very strange though, because they were the exact mirror image of my family...they both held the same positions in the church as my parents, both fathers were carpenters...the only difference was that there was one more person in their family than ours.

              Every New Year's, I try to make my way down to Western NY so we all can get together and watch some movies before watching the ball in Buffalo drop.

              They're a great family, and really supportive of the two of us. I honestly believe I'm going to have a great set of in-laws and one awesome brother-in-law when all is said and done.
              National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
              National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

              Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                Well... before i left aus for the first time i only knew one of his sisters. funnily enough, i didnt meet his mother and the rest of the family until 1,5 years into the relationship (and she heard about me from our friends mum, not from him!)
                i lived with them and the sisters were okay with us. his mum is just so chilled, i felt like she liked me... but then again.. whenever she introduced me to someone and T wasnt around she'd be like 'This is Toby's friend' ... but that's okay. we get along pretty well, she now even writes me emails and gets excited when i ring and she answers the phone

                I also met his grandparents, they seemed sooo happy that we are together. And every single member of his family (cousins, aunties and all that) kept askin me 'how can i put up with him for so long' ..
                It was very entertaining and even though i was stressed as hell at first, as soon as i met Tobys mum, i knew it was gonna be fine


                  My boy met my family first, he met my mom and dad and little sister. A year later I met his sister, we get along very well, she wrote to me with the news of her wedding before she told him or her mother! I met his mom thru webcam once and she asked me what I liked about her son, to this day I am still dying to know if my answer pleased her or not!?! I will meet her in person and all the other relatives in march at the wedding, his family is full of women which makes me very very nervous hahaha :o
                  Enamorada de ti!!


                    i've talked to her mom, and cousin both briefly, but in two weeks i get to meet probly two aunts some cousins uh half siblings grandparents, and she gets to meet my parents. should be interesting


                      I met my SO parents when I went to visit. And I was super scared, they were never supportive of the relationship from the begging and they always tried to disuade him from the idea of an LDR. Mostly they did it with good reasons, as people are scared of the unknown. Now after the time, and effort from my part, they love me and are pretty much supportive of the relationship. I can't say that they are a 100% happy with the 'situation' (as they call it) but at least not they respect us and don't try to break the relationship.


                        Kyle and I have met each others parents. I can say my parents like him alot. I am not sure what his parents think of me. They seem a bit stand offish... and I recall a conversation with Kyle that his mom had told him he should find someone closer to date. So I would say it feels like they dont support us. But I am a bit paranoid when it comes to other ppl. For all I know they like me and I am just reading into stuff too much. Kyle hasnt told me any information either way.


                          This is a really old thread, lol! I'm bringing it back.
                          I met my SO's parents on my first visit. They are absolutely wonderful and gracious enough to host me in their house! They are funny and down to earth. I loved getting to know them.
                          My SO met my parents on our last visit. My mom adores him. My dad thinks he a very nice guy! Just like I thought they would!
                          My SO's parents are awesome. They're going to be great inlaws in the future!


                            Met his mother and she's... not very nice.
                            She apologized next time I saw her saying she didn't feel so good but 'not feeling so well' doesn't make you say things you don't actually mean.
                            I feel unconfortable around her. Like I should be cleaning up and doing the dishes etc. in their house :/
                            "If you say you can't, you just don't want to"


                              Met my entire SO's family my very first trip up there! It was for New Years. Needless to say, I was terrified lol. But they were all extremely nice and fun, so I was stressing over nothing haha


                                Met my SO's parents and sister on my last trip to england.

                                His m is made of awesome, is a very strong person but also loveing and caring. His dad has quite a hard shell and very soft insides :P

                                They both are good people and they accept us. I also feel like I'm family already.

                                His sister is a bit closed up but she's nice. While we didn't struck an instant friendship we have a lot to talk about, both being single mums.

                                From what I know the rest of his family is acepting of us as well. Didn't have chance to meet them yet though
                                “We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness — and call it love — true love.”
                                ― Robert Fulghum, True Love

                                Met UK 3.08.2012-5.08.12 ->UK 1.12.12-3.12.12->PL 8.02.13-16.02.13->PL 1.06.13-9.06.13->UK 3.08.13-17.08.13->UK 26.10.2013-02.11.2013->PL 30.11.2013-08.12.2013->PL 22.03.2014-29.03.2014->UK 31.05.2014-07.06.2014->PL 06.09.2014-13.09.13->UK 20.12.2014-03.01.2015
                                Closed the distance >21.03.2015

