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I don't know what he's going to do

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    I don't know what he's going to do

    Hi Guys,
    I'm in a very tough situation and I don't know what to think.
    My boyfriend moved from South Africa to Australia half a year ago. He is so unhappy there and he really wants to go back.
    Now, a week ago I've been there for 2 weeks. But because he was unhappy and tired all the time, it had it's affects on me.
    I was grumpy more often, which led to some arguements.
    I believe that he will be himself again when he's back in SA and that we'll have great times again as always!
    But now he's send me a message saying that i'd really changed and he doesnt think that he loves me anymore.
    I believe he can't base any conclusions on those 2 weeks, while we've been happy together for a year, right?
    He sais he need time to clear his head (He's also very insecure about moving back, because he will be leaving his mom in Aus)
    I know he's got a lot of stuff on his mind, and I know I should respect that he needs his time.
    I'm giving him his time right now and we're currently not chatting.
    But i'm so scared that he's going to give up on us. I'm such a mess right now. I know it might have been naive, but I really saw us marry some day.
    He is the love of my life, and everything I wish for.
    I'm scared that he'll end it when he's done thinking.

    I don't know why I'm posting this, cause nobody can do anything really...
    But maybe people have been in the same situation and can give me some advise on what to do and think.. cause I don't know what to think

    You are already doing what needs to be done. Just give him some time to clear his head, as he said. He will probably realize that you haven't really changed, and that he still loves you, but both of you were really stressed out, and said things you regret saying in the heat of the moment. Rather than chat, why not send him a nice e-card to make amends? Be the first to apologize. And let him know you are there for him. He has some tough decisions at the moment. It can't be easy for him having to leave his mum in Australia.


    Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


      Thanks. It's always good to hear that people think that you're doing the right thing
      I can see why he needs time to think, but I just wish that I could be the person he could talk to about everything. I guess this is just his way of dealing with things, as he isn't that much of a talker anyway.

      After i've kind of sent him a thousand messages with reasons why he shouldn't brake up 2 days ago, he got a bit angry and told me to just leave him to clear his head.
      So, I have to leave him alone. Eventhough it's so hard, because I don't know wheter to have hope or not. Because if I keep my hopes up, i'm scared I will be even more hurt when he ends things. But when I don't keep my hopes up, I get obsessed and start crying.
      I think I've decided to just give him the space and ask him how he's doing and if everything is alright on sunday. Without pushing him to make a dicision, just because I want to know if he's alright.
      By then he's had about 5 days to think. Maybe an e-card is a good idea indeed aarrgghhhhhhh!!! I just wish it was sunday already!!

      Trying to keep myself as busy as possible, but I can't help it that it crosses my mind every 5 seconds. If only we could just timetravel.....


        i am in a pretty similar situation as my boyfriend also isn't sure anymore if he still loves me. i figured out that the only thing what we could do now is to wait. i know how hard it is, i really do, but "good things come to those who wait". stay strong, be patient and never forget that everything what happens happens out of a reason ( at least i hope so ).


          He is unhappy where he is, when you see him in his misery it is easier to blame you. I think you need to toughen up and leave him alone for a long time. Sending a doubter an e-card is not going to convince him. You may not have changed, but he has. If he changes again, he will do so on his own accord.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

