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Other people raining on your parade

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    Other people raining on your parade

    Hey people,

    So I just need to rant, and be pepped up by you all really. But don't you hate it when other people tell you that LDR's never work out!?
    I will be away from my gf for maybe 4 months, and one of my friends decided to remind me what a long time that is, (in case I hadn't realised myself?). Everyone elses negativity is just really bothering me. I'm convinced that this is the woman I will marry, but if I say that to my family I get those laughs and condescending comments implying I'm young and naive.

    I know that the only person who truly knows my relationship is me and my girlfriend, but I can't help but be upset by everyones negativity and skepticism.

    I'm guessing nearly all of you have gone through this, I'd appreciate some kind words or similar stories (or success stories!).
    I can't wait for the summer to be reunited with my love!


    Yes, a lot of people don't believe LDRs can work out. Don't listen to them.You know your relationship better than anyone else.I am lucky that all of my family and friends have been extremely supportive of my LDR and they can and do work out. I wish you all the best!


      people would tell me negative stuff all the time! and it never worked on me. ya it hurt but i let it pass and months later we are still strong


        Yes thank you! What drives me even crazier is when they say, "Oh but you are so young! You don't want to be a military girlfriend! Don't you want to play around?"

        I don't get why people just let it go...
        Love knows not distance, time, or logic.

        Evan & Megan <3



          People are crazy! You just have to remember your relationship is between you and your partner, no one else and only you two will determine if it works out! Now you get to prove them wrong. Also when your relationship survives the measly 4 months (though it will be heard no doubt, but many of us here go longer periods without being in physical contact with our other halves so it's certainly doable!), you can smile at them as they were just proven wrong and maybe they will think better about LDRs after that. :P


            Originally posted by squeeker View Post
            People are crazy!
            Basically this! People really are crazy sometimes and they like to run your life for you. Sometimes they aren't happy and have to find ways to make your life miserable too! You can't let those people bother you. I used to struggle with this all the time. I haven't told many people about my LDR but if I was around people that happened to be talking about LDR's and how they "are impossible and weird and could never work" I would find myself arguing with them and getting very angry. I had to step back and realize that they're the crazy ones and I needed to learn how to ignore them. You can't let people get to you because only YOU and your girlfriend know your relationship and know what is best for you. Just be happy and enjoy your relationship. It's a special part of your relationship that will most likely bring you together and make you stronger than most people because they haven't experienced being away from the person they love.

            Good luck and I wish you two the best!


              I think people like to judge sometimes, because by knocking others they feel bigger and better somehow. That shows how small-minded they are. No one really understands an LDR but those of us in them. Work on proving them wrong! I've been fairly lucky, too, that most of my family and friends understand mine, but that may be because of my age and how my SO and I met.

              Some people look for something to put down.


                No matter what there will be someone who has something negative to say. I've had an old classmate come up to me and say "I'm surprised it's worked out this long." I just said "Okay" and didn't see the point in wasting my breath. As you said, the relationship is between you and your girlfriend and listening to negative people will not do any good. The way I see it, people who are too close-minded to realize that true love is not only about the intimate things and seeing each other everyday, are just pointless to argue with. Whenever someone brings up something negative, just change the subject if you don't want to talk about it, of course try not to be rude about it but they need to realize it's not about what they think it's about what you think.
                started dating: 12/08/12
                "i love you": 04/12/13
                el paso: 07/24/13 - 08/05/13
                montreal: 12/13/13 - 01/03/14
                el paso: 01/05/14 - 01/19/14
                montreal: 05/30/14 - 07/27/14
                el paso: 07/27/14 - 08/18/14
                el paso: 12/27/14 - 01/16/15
                el paso: 06/02/15 - 08/17/15
                san antonio: 02/04/16 - 02/08/16
                san antonio/el paso: 06/03/16 - 06/21/16


                  When people try to rain on my parade I get my umbrella out and tell them to go f@#% themselves

