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You need to read this!

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    You need to read this!

    Right, this is a major thing. I know some people will say that I shouldn't be doing this but just listen.

    Me and James had another massive argument (I know). He had been snapchatting several friends, that were apparently just 'friends'. Me being me totally overreacted and blew it all up. I am a paranoid person, and James makes me even more paranoid. We gave each other time to calm down, and we eventually spoke about things. I knew I needed to stop being so paranoid, but I thought why am I being paranoid, and why am I doubting things.

    Here goes, I set up a fake skype account and put a pretty convincing picture on it. I added James on it and started talking to him. He never actually accepted the request but he still managed to receive the messages. At first he didn't really seem that bothered. Then he told me that he was tired and that he was going to sleep. Then I log back into the fake skype account and there are messages from him saying 'are you there?'. I then begin talking to him. He started talking about needs and how I meet his needs He mentioned that he had a girlfriend and that there was nothing wrong in talking. I then said I just want to be loved, and to feel excitement. We then spoke for hours, being very rude. James was incredibly rude, he had never been that way before even when we had tried things. I said about meeting in a few months but only for sex, he said yh it sounds good to me. I said well what about your girlfriend, he said she wont find out. We carried on talking then I went.

    I want to try and keep talking to James on the fake account to see if I can get anything out of him, but it is making it very hard for me to be normal when it comes to talking to James. I am hurt that he has acted in this way, but I want to see where it goes and how long he will keep it up for. It will make it easier for me to leave him.

    I just want to know what people think about this, and what they think I should do?


    That's a misleading title. I was expecting a link to an article or something.
    I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


      Sorry I just feel like people should read it


        I didn't need to read this.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Why are you catfishing your boyfriend? Here's hoping he never finds out, because no good things can come of it.

          2016 Goal: Buy a house.
          Progress: Complete!

          2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
          Progress: Working on it.


            He is agreeing to have sex with a random person, and being sexual!


              Ok, now that I've read the thread, I can tell you what I think.

              Originally posted by laurenandjames9 View Post
              I want to try and keep talking to James on the fake account to see if I can get anything out of him, but it is making it very hard for me to be normal when it comes to talking to James. I am hurt that he has acted in this way, but I want to see where it goes and how long he will keep it up for. It will make it easier for me to leave him.
              I don't get it. You have very clear proof of infidelity. Why do you want to continue with that, and what more do you think you can get out of him? Just end the relationship. Leaving someone you love is very difficult as it is. Don't need to draw it out by playing games.
              I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                I'm not playing games, but don't you think I deserve the truth. Everything seems like a lie now.


                  1) My life is not enriched by reading this.
                  2)So, you had a hunch that he was lying scum, and now you have proof of that. As fun as it might be to prolong it, what good would that do you?
                  3) I'm not sure what you expect to get out of this thread. You know what you need to do.
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    I thought there was going to be a article, I was mislead. I'm just going to say this won't end well, you may as well break up with him, since you have the proof of possible cheating in the future.
                    Makes my heart feel better a tiny bit.


                      Its obvious I was wrong to post this. I am sorry for misleading people, I just wanted a neutral opinion. Its broke my heart to be honest. I was going to give him everything, we were planning all sorts. And now I know I can't trust him, and I don't think I ever did. Sorry for upsetting people, it was not my intention at all.


                        Not upset. Sorry I'm a grump in the morning, and I also didn't look at your age before I replied.

                        I know it hurts, and for that I'm also sorry. Truly it's good that you listened to your intuition and figured out he's an arse before you invested a chunk of your life in him. I know right now it doesnt seem like a positive outccome, but it is. With that said, it's still not going to benefit you any to continue this game (and it is playing games, though it might be a while before you can see that, and thats fine.) Good luck with wherever you take it from here.
                        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

