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    Do you have nickname(s) for your SO? Does he/she have nickname(s) for you? Whether embarrassing, cute, or kinda "meh"... Just let it out. Also, is there a story behind the nickname or did it just happen?

    I call my boyfriend Cookie and he calls me Cupcake. I also call him Bubby, Caribbean Cutie, plus a ton of other nicknames that I only call him in my head. I started calling him Cookie because his skin is a... butter pecan (omg all of these deserts) type color and he has dark hair, so it reminds me of a chocolate chip cookie. Plus, I loooooooove chocolate chip cookies! I call him Caribbean cutie because he's of Jamaican and Cuban descent. There's no story behind me calling him Bubby. It just came out one day and he liked it, so we just went with it lol.


      I call my SO honeybunny because he's just sweet . He calls me Snow White but in our native language, or "Snjeza", and I love it.


        For us it's 'Sniffy' or 'Sniffery' or 'Sniffs' and he started with it and probably calls me it more than I call him it.. And then we have the cute-i-fied versions of our names (Chwissy and Heathy or Heatherwy). And then sometimes 'cutie' or 'cutie pie' which are usually me calling him that I think. And maybe other cute words from time to time but those are the main ones we use nowadays. When we first started dating, he would call me honey and I called him darling, I think, but over time that shifted.


          My SO calls me kar-bear and I call him snickerdoodle. My first name is Kari so kar-bear is just a nickname for that and he always says I'm super caring. I call him snickerdoodle because I made them for him when we first started dating, not knowing that they're his favorite cookie! He's Hispanic too and reminds me of a snickerdoodle because he's sweet but also light brown
          Our love story:
          Attended the same high school 2004-2007
          Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
          Reconnected: August 2012
          Began dating LD: November 2012
          Engaged! March 2014
          Closing the distance: December 2015


            I call him Zachie sometimes but mostly just his name or "baby" occasionally. He calls me baby or pumpkin xD.


              I have always called him like a shortened, English-icated version of his name, some of his friends use it too. It is only really lately I started to use his birth name a bit, because now I know how to prononce it. He is my "love " and I am his "sweetie ". He will use my birth name, but he has a special way of pronouncing it in his cute voice that makes me want to die. In the beginning, before I knew his name or had started to use it, to my mind he was "the Arab", which is not completely off because his home town was built by Syrian refugees some generations back). He used to call me baby and I used to call him darling, at times we still do . Sometimes I think his nickname should be "Can I ask you something", because that is always how he brings a difficult message across.

              Ah, and I recently learned that when my boys talk about me, they refer to me as "our beautiful woman ", which I think is cute. They are "my boys" when I refer to them in plural.
              Last edited by differentcountries; March 18, 2014, 09:38 PM.
              I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
              - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

              "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                He's my Prince, or my Honey, always with the "my" in front of it. I'm his Lady. Those are nicknames we use for each other that we've never used for anyone else, but we also sometimes use other terms of endearment that are used for others. For example, he'll call me Sweetie which is a name he also uses for his daughters. I don't like for him to call me "my Dear," because that is a term my ex used when being sarcastic.

                This is a great thread, btw.


                  He's the Sexy Pseudo-redneck, or the furry one, or just The American.


                    Munchkin! I call her my little munchkin all the time! I think because I find her so like cute and adorable (I just wanna cuddle her up) plus she is a tiny bit shorter than me so munchkin stuck. Then of course the usual babe, baby etc. she sometimes calls me her princess but that's usually when She's either being sarcastic or "acting like a princess"


                      Oh god, everyone's are so nice. I sometimes call him poopface No story behind it, not sure how it began! Otherwise, we call each other babe I suppose, instead of using each other's names.


                        Not really other then babe and I call him cutie and sometimes bunny nose. He dosnt call me much other then my amazing and babe


                          He calls me sugar. I call him sexy boss man.


                            He calls me "brownie" often. I first thought it was because he thought I was sweet and then I remembered I'm brown . I find it cute anyways. We mostly use each others names. I only really call him something else when we're having a serious moment, like comforting him or apologizing profusely. Then "honey" and "sweetheart" come out naturally.

                            Married: June 9th, 2015


                              I call him Boy. He calls me Girl. Yes, really.

                              It sounds more romantic to us, I swear.

