Hey there, I guess I just need to put some things down to words to let them out, I don't even know if I have an actual question or what.
Well, I've been in a LDR with my SO for 10 months. We are both in our 20s, I'm still a student, while he is workin (and he is actually pretty busy with it). Basically, all I have to say, is I miss him like crazy. We haven't been able to meet in the last 8 months for various reasons, and we probably have other 4 to go and right now it looks like forever to me.
Apart from the fact I miss him loads there're few things that kinda make me really miserable.
I kinda feel a big neglected lately, even if I really can't say anything bad about him. What I mean is fully trust him, I know he cares about me and I know he is an extremely indipendent and practical guy. But sometimes I feel kinda left apart. He used to look for more contact in the beginning, say nice things and stuff, while now he rarely does that. For example, this evening he is going out and i wished him to have fun, while he didn't even asked me if i am doing anything. i know it's not the end of the world, but it was just to give you an idea of what i mean.
At the same time I also know I'm praticularly emotional, so i need to let my feelings out MUCH more than he does. So i don't know where actually is the line between being a bit too "needy" and him being a bit too much in his comfort zone.
I talked about it to him already, but it didn't really solve anything. He sees my point and he is sorry i feel this way. He says it's just the honeymoon period being over so it's normal for him being that way, as he normally isn't the kind of person who lets things out (AT ALL!).
Apart from all this, I know he truly cares about me and we completely trust each other.
Any suggestion about how to make this weakness moment of mine pass?
Well, I've been in a LDR with my SO for 10 months. We are both in our 20s, I'm still a student, while he is workin (and he is actually pretty busy with it). Basically, all I have to say, is I miss him like crazy. We haven't been able to meet in the last 8 months for various reasons, and we probably have other 4 to go and right now it looks like forever to me.
Apart from the fact I miss him loads there're few things that kinda make me really miserable.
I kinda feel a big neglected lately, even if I really can't say anything bad about him. What I mean is fully trust him, I know he cares about me and I know he is an extremely indipendent and practical guy. But sometimes I feel kinda left apart. He used to look for more contact in the beginning, say nice things and stuff, while now he rarely does that. For example, this evening he is going out and i wished him to have fun, while he didn't even asked me if i am doing anything. i know it's not the end of the world, but it was just to give you an idea of what i mean.
At the same time I also know I'm praticularly emotional, so i need to let my feelings out MUCH more than he does. So i don't know where actually is the line between being a bit too "needy" and him being a bit too much in his comfort zone.
I talked about it to him already, but it didn't really solve anything. He sees my point and he is sorry i feel this way. He says it's just the honeymoon period being over so it's normal for him being that way, as he normally isn't the kind of person who lets things out (AT ALL!).
Apart from all this, I know he truly cares about me and we completely trust each other.
Any suggestion about how to make this weakness moment of mine pass?