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Same Taste in Music?

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    Same Taste in Music?

    Title pretty much says it all. Do you and your SO have the same taste in music or is it totally different?

    We have some shared artists, but in general we're very different on that front. I listen to practically everything depending on my mood but most of it is stuff like Green Day and the Red Hot Chili Peppers or Lana Del Rey and Pink. Whereas he mostly listens to rap. And I listen to some rap as well, but even there we differ. He listens to a lot of the "greats" like Biggie, Tupac and Eminem, and some British rappers. I listen to stuff more like Drake and couple female rappers. (Though with Drake it's his more R&B stuff)
    "You let me in your heart and out of my head."

    B and I pretty much share the same tastes in music -- 80's Rock mostly. But, he has shared some amazing music with me that I've never heard of, so he's broadening my tastes.
    February 2012 -- met online
    August 2012 -- he said "I love you."
    April 2013 -- met in person
    June 2013 -- broke up
    July 2013 -- back together
    August 2013 -- 2nd visit
    October 20, 2013 -- He proposed!
    April 22, 2014 -- Married/closed the distance!


      We both grew up liking the same things for the most part (different styles of harder rock and some metal) and we're happy listening to just rock radio in the car. He's always been more eclectic (rap, reggae/ska and softer music). Rap of any kind is probably never going to speak to me, but reggae rock has grown on me a lot. When he sends me a song I actually think is lame, I don't bash it, but I don't pretend to love it either.

      Married: June 9th, 2015


        We both like rock music a lot, but he is WAY more experienced with music than I am. He is always looking up new bands and genres, and knows a lot about band members, the meaning behind songs, etc.
        He's a very talented drummer as well, so that definitely adds to his obsession with music as well ^^


          Different taste in musics.
          However close enough to have a shared Playlist.
          We love the songs, reminding us on our time together/ on each-other...


            We are a bit different. I like basically everything, and things that I might not like as much, I can still enjoy. My SO loves a lot of different things too but he listens to music more than me, and therefore discovers new things quicker than me!! So he will show me new songs. He is more into music since he started playing the guitar and then taking a partial degree in music and working as a partner in an independent record label (which he left because they were not really including him and were taking advantage of his hard work, the company didn't really grow any since then but they did change their name now). My SO and I enjoy a lot of rock songs, country, some rap - my SO used to hang out with a lot of African guys (part of the record label) and that's probably what triggered his love of rap. We both love finding weird musical comedy people on YouTube.. um.. really there's no song that I hate so it's basically a perfect match. Though the only time I will get a bit fussy with music is if I'm frustrated or in a bad mood. :P We don't have specific tastes in music, but my SO has a better 'ear for music' so can tell if a song is really bad or very good and he knows what makes music good, more than me at least, especially since he studied the degree and was really passionate about music, and still is I guess (just also passionate about other things too now)!


              Good thread idea. My SO and I both like several kind of music. Some of what he likes is different from my tastes, but we do like some of the same kinds. He is mostly a soft rocker, while I mostly like upbeat pop or country. I'm always replying to the question of what is your favorite whatever "it depends." It always depends on my mood. I'll listen to most any kind of music, and it does depend on my mood. I don't have a flat out favorite on anything - ice cream, restaurant, vacation spot, kind of book to read, food, hobby, etc. - it all depends on my mood. In a way, that is good, because it means the times my SO and I are together won't be boring. We'll always be trying new things, if he's game.

              With music, at least he and I won't get on each other's nerves with our tastes.


                My SO and I have similar tastes in music, my tastes are more ranged while he likes only certain genres though.

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  Generally my SO and I have fairly similar tastes, I tend to like some heavier stuff in comparison. We don't really listen to music that often, but when we do it's usually vinyls so then it ranges from 70's and 80's rock to classic. Couple of our favourite vinyls at the moment are a "best of Beatles" album (I a always tease him about how I had to introduce Beatles to him, a Brit ) and a "New York" record by Frank Sinatra. I should go put one on actually...
                  We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                    Originally posted by piratemama View Post
                    Good thread idea. My SO and I both like several kind of music. Some of what he likes is different from my tastes, but we do like some of the same kinds. He is mostly a soft rocker, while I mostly like upbeat pop or country. I'm always replying to the question of what is your favorite whatever "it depends." It always depends on my mood. I'll listen to most any kind of music, and it does depend on my mood. I don't have a flat out favorite on anything - ice cream, restaurant, vacation spot, kind of book to read, food, hobby, etc. - it all depends on my mood. In a way, that is good, because it means the times my SO and I are together won't be boring. We'll always be trying new things, if he's game.

                    With music, at least he and I won't get on each other's nerves with our tastes.
                    I'm the same way with favorites! I don't have one favorite of anything. I can barely narrow it down to my top 5's lol.
                    "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


                      SO and I are both into melancolic pop and folk music. The specific songs have have been listening to are differen, though. We like to share songs. Usually, we like pretty much the thing the other suggests, we just had not heard of it. Byt that I mean I have listened to Norwegian music and he to Turkish, but it is not just that. He says since I have had more spare time than he has (most of the year, very true) I have had the uppertunity to develop my musical tastes more. He never mentions it, but also since I am older than him I had those extra years to lisen to music, too! He is very much into Cat Stevens, which I liked before too but in a non-commital way (perhaps because my parents think he is great). He has learned me about the Turkish group Grup Yorum, which I have come to love. He also likes Lorna McKennit a lot, which I think is great. It is seldom that he puts on a song I don't like it. He is also very much into sappy, romantic love songs and I think I am starting to be, too!

                      Ironically, he really does'nt like the type of Turkisk fast-track, upbeat music I have always enjoyed, like Tarkan. I think that is because he doesn't like to dance. I love dancing! I might convert his later on, though.... since at least he danced slow with me on my last visit.

                      I like many genres of music; Folk music, pop, rock, electronica, chill, indie, metal, Indian pop, kirtan, psalms, classical music.... Me and my husband both love classical baroque music and we enjoy going to concerts together. Both my men are more melancolic than me and that reflects in their musical tastes. I pretty much like whatever my husband likes, too. I am more like all over, though a big part of me is my melancolical side, I also enjoy a wide variety of music - my sister calls my musical taste "eclectic". I grew up in a family that always sang, I have sung publically since I was 8, I play flute and piano/keyboard. I have sometimes recorded songs and sent to him, which he likes.
                      Last edited by differentcountries; March 23, 2014, 11:28 AM.
                      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                        My SO and I have different tastes in music. He produces his own songs (shameless plug -, and is very into r'n'b, funk, soul. I enjoy those but I really love a good rock song and a bit of metal here and there. I'm pretty open to new music, as is he, which is good, we both share new music with each other often.


                          You'd think so, since we're both into metal and, in fact, met on a forum dedicated to metal music. The reality is that we have very few bands in common that we like. These days he listens almost exclusively to death metal and I'm more into traditional and doom metal.

                          Whenever we go to a show, it's because I've dragged him there and he gets bored most of the time, though he doesn't complain. One funny episode (at least funny to me) is that the day after our wedding we went to this concert by a band that I liked and that he never heard, and it was a very small venue in Turku and there were like 30 people in attendance, and at some point the vocalist tried to get the audience to "participate" a little and started staring at my SO who was just standing there, deeply focused on his mobile phone.
                          I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                            Even though we mostly listen to the music from our country, our tastes are different. There are some songs we both like, but I enjoy listening to other types of music that he is not really into.


                              Not at all. I still don't 100% know what he likes I don't think he likes music that much. While I'm so Into music and concerts such as Miley Cyrus , Katy perry, Britney Spears things like that. While he couldn't care less lol

