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Trying not to be bitter/annoyed

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    Originally posted by bluedelphine View Post
    I have a friend who is currently dating a guy (has been for about 5 years) and he has just temporarily moved about 2 1/2 hours away for an internship. They probably see each other about once a month to once every other month. Sometimes I find it really hard to not be annoyed at her when she talks about how long it has been since they have seen each other especially when I have been separated from my SO and we have visa restrictions on top of that that makes it feels like the distance is even further.

    I know that distance is subjective and if my partner lived 2 1/2 hours away I would miss him there too. I'm just needing to vent I guess (and I'm trying not to sound like an awful person by doing it) because sometimes when she talks to me about it, it just makes me angry and hurt since she is so much closer and maybe I'm a bit jealous because it seems like such less of an obstacle to only be a couple hours away, in the same state, and citizens of the same country.

    I'm not entirely sure what I'm asking, just maybe how to maintain a good attitude around her when she brings it up. Because I want to be supportive it's just kind of hard right now.
    I think I would be tempted to tell her to count her blessings, because at least he is close enough they can see each other on a regular basis, and it is only a temporary situation. That is much different than being thousands of miles from each other, having visa problems, and not knowing when you will be together again.

    It does kind of get to me when I see on these forums people who are complaining about being only an hour or two away, and talking about their long-distance relationship, when it seems more like a time problem, which could probably be solved with a little planning. It doesn't compare with having an International LDR, or even one in the same country, but several states away from each other, where you have to take a long road trip or take an expensive flight.


    Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


      So this was definitely a wide variety of posts for me to come back to. I just want to thank the people who have been supportive and who have put effort into giving advice and giving a compassionate response. Like I said before, I was just venting, and I do listen to my friend and help her when I can because I understand how awful it can be to be separated from the people you love. I just came here because I was frustrated and thought it would be good to hear from people in similar situations.

      Again, thanks to those who gave positive response and I will take your advice and comments in mind.

