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Longest you have gone with out seeing your SO?

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    Longest you have gone with out seeing your SO?

    I'm just wondering what's the longest you gone with out seeing him or her ? How did you deal with it even on those dull days ?
    For me it's been 2 months exactly at the start of out relationship. And I know to some it may not seem like a lot but me and him were a bit spoiled since we used to see each other every day for 5 months down at Disney when we worked there

    Right now we're at 6 months, and it will be 8 months before we see each other again.

    And yeah, it can make it seem tougher if you go from seeing each other all the time to not at all. My SO and I were living together before I had to come back to the US and it has been SO hard to adjust, especially since it was together all the time to suddenly apart for this long.

    To be honest the only way I know to deal with it especially on days that my mind decides to go crazy is to just stay really busy! Some days that's hard but if I'm not working I make efforts to stay with friends, do crafts, I went to a museum in my hometown a few weeks ago. And all that is actually pretty big for since I'm a pretty solitary person usually! But just keeping my mind and myself busy and active does seem to help. Some days though all I want is a glass of wine and some Netflix

    Also I don't know how encouraging this will be, but to me the distance does not get easier as time goes by, if anything it gets a bit harder. BUT I just try to remember that with every day further apart it's also a day closer to when I'll see him again.

    Good luck to you!


      Longest so far: 12 months

      So far since seeing him: 7 months; Time til seeing him next: 12 months + (unless a miracle happens!)

      But we talk every day online, and take it one day at a time.. and yes.. every day that goes by is one day closer to seeing him again.

      It's hard, but because we stay in contact every day, we are very much a part of each others' lives. Most days it's okay, we have our routines. It's just the occasional day that is especially hard. But guess what, it's worth it.. cause I would rather be in an LDR with him, talking to him, and apart of his life, than not able to talk to him at all. But it will be nice, one day, to be able to live with him and be with him every day in person. But until then we will be stuck with many months between visits.

      Just keep busy, remember why you are doing it, and make time for each other, and stay apart of each others' lives even when apart. And stay strong!


        We haven't met yet, so we're at about a year and 7 months. It will probably be another year until we're able to meet.

        It's not as hard these days as it was at first. We've just accepted that it's not going to happen for a while and so we've gotten into a routine with each other. We have a ton of free time at the moment with neither of us able to find jobs, so we spend a lot of our time "with" each other on Skype. I think because we've never seen each other, this is what's normal for us, and so it's easy to handle. I imagine it will get harder after we meet.
        "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


          Our longest is like 3.5 months. It was so hard for me, but now i realise im lucky haha! When i read everyone's story on this forum 3 months isnt really that bad!
          With you or with no one.


            Longest time we've been apart so far is about 4,5 months I believe. This time around it's already been almost 4 months though, and we'll probably be at around 7-9 months apart before we see each other again due to the fact that this time around, we're both working full time and can't take time off for visits. Sucks, but I know there's people that have gone far longer than that, and I really admire you guys

            Met online: February 2011
            Met the first time: August 16, 2011


              32,5 years
              Second longest would be nearly 4 months.


                Right now, almost 9 months. I usually go over in November or December, but this year I was moving, and couldn't, and he hasn't been able to take the time away from work to come see me, so hopefully this summer.
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  6 Months was the longest. when she lived in ATL. She's since moved closer, so I see every her couple months, if that!

                  "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                  Married April 18th, 2015!!
                  Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                    5months but this time is looking like it'll be longer. One day hopefully it won't be an issue so I can be patient.


                      At the moment around 8 months. But I'm seeing him in 3 weeks


                        The longest my SO and I have been apart was a little over 3 months. It was tough but we made it. For those who have to wait 6+ months, I commend you. You have more patience than I do!


                          I'm one of those lucky ones that never had to wait more than 2 months to see my SO. We met IRL after 4 months of relationship though so I guess it's the longest we went, not sure if that counts :P


                            9 weeks is the longest we have gone without seeing each other. Yes, I know... I am so, so lucky. But after 2 months I am at my wit's end, even if we Skype a lot (and I live with my husband).

                            We saw each other almost 2 weeks ago, we will see each other in 2 + weeks. It will be exactly 1 month since we saw each other, that is very doable. I know long distance couples in my own country who see each other less! In Easter/April me and my husband will stay 6 days, and from May to November I will visit 1 week per month (hopefully more in July) to have my writing week (work) with him.
                            Last edited by differentcountries; March 27, 2014, 04:56 AM.
                            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                              Wow some of you had to wait so long , I really give you credit for that. I'm pretty sure I would have gone crazy that long

