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UK to US - Too many visits on the VWP? Please ease my mind with you experiences!

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    UK to US - Too many visits on the VWP? Please ease my mind with you experiences!

    Dear all,

    I am in a LTD relationship with a guy who lives in the US. We didn't really plan to be in a LDR. We met through friends and we flirted for about a year, but then last Xmas, we kissed. First we thought we would just take it as a one off, but we ended up liking each other much more and I think I can say, we are both in love.

    I can travel under the VWP:

    I was there last December/Jan for about 10 days
    The he visited in March for a week

    But the I went for 10 days in May and a week in July.

    Now I am planning to go in September for 8 days and in December for about a month.

    I have never mentioned that I have a BF to the US immigration. They didn't ask, I didn't tell. I always said I was on holiday visiting friends (true, as I have many friends there anyway).

    Now, are my visits becoming too frequent? Will I have problems with the immigration? Have you experienced anything like this?

    I wrote on a Expat forum a couple of days ago and they scared me to death. They said my travelling pattern is very suspicious and that there is a high possibility of being denied entry.

    What do you think? Can you tell me what your story is?

    Thank you!


    Well honestly I havent experienced anythin like this and I honestly wonder why they should care.
    I mean it's not like you go there and stay longer than you say O_____o
    And anyway if they don't ask... I dont know... I have no experience with this so I cant say anythin. Maybe talk to the US immigration or somethin?


      I don't think it's a problem at all, i think the only reason they'd have a problem is if you went over there on the visa waiver with the intention to marry in the time you said you'd be there, as you'd need to apply for a fiance visa etc.

      I mean, I bet businessmen and such go back and forth all the time on the waiver, so it's not suspicious, especially as you'd have a return ticket too, so they know you have no intention of staying past the 30 day limit.

      <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
      <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
      The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
      <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
      <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
      Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
      Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


        well i know if your traveling to the UK you can stay for 6 months without a visa and then return home, i havent seen anything saying you cant have alot of visits, so long as you leave when you say your gonna leave they should have no problem with that


          I don't think it should be suspicious. I've never experienced anything like this though. But people travel all the time because of business and such. But if they ask then tell them


            So, here's my thing. You can't listen to everyone on the internet. Most of the time, they don't take the time to think about what they're saying, and whether it comes off a gentle reminder/possibility versus a bomb scare. There are LOTS of frequent visitors to the US. Plenty of people shoot in and out. A week to a month visit isn't what raises suspicion; it's trips that are 48 hours or less with a fast turnaround. Those sort of frequent trips will raise suspicion, as long as anything that might indicate you have drugs.

            As long as you don't ping smuggling worries, you might get some grief simply because our border security is fucking obnoxious (aka the whole "WHAT IS YOUR ENTIRE SCHEDULE OMG BLAH BLAH" crap), but it's doubtful you'll get stopped.

            Don't stay outside your visa expiration, make sure you have verification of your leave ticket, and if needed, have numbers on hand for friends you'll be seeing in the very rare case they pull you aside for verification. But you'll make it through.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              Well, knowing from what our immigration lawyer told me, and thinking about my not too nice cousin that works for border patrol at the airport all I can say is this. You should be a little careful because depending on the mood of the official who would check your papers. Is never to wise to mention a relationship as they don't like it. Try to think about a believable idea, visiting relatives, looking for options to apply to study program in the USA, business purposes, etc. The officials always think the worse, they think you are entering the USA to work or something, is good that the UK and US have a good relationship between, cause it makes it easier for you. They want to know that you have a good reason to always go back to the UK and don't stay there. Remember to never overstay. Best wishes girl!!

