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Mixed messages

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    Mixed messages

    Hi everyone,

    New to the forums, and I'm sorry in advance for spelling and grammar since english is not my first language. Stumbled over the site last year and thought it was something to save with all tips of activites etc. I was hoping to not be in need of help/advice like this, but now I am.
    Tried to search on the forums, but every problem is unique, and I didn't find anything that could help me.

    So, we started talking in june last year and everything was wonderful. She made feel wanted and loved me for who I am.
    In august she moved up to her mom, and was going to stay there for about a month. But then something happend. She suddenly started to not reply back for some reason. Started to feel distant. And this happend a few days before she made the travell.

    Time passed and things didn't get better. She ended up staying with her mom. And I thought she was living there until I contacted her sister and found out she moved back down, without telling me. I started to have trust issues wondering if she was hiding something else.

    Things got a bit better after she quit her second job. And eventually it got worse again, until now recently when I spoke up and told her how I felt about everything, her behavior. That she often read my messages but don't reply. Never ask if I have time for skype or calls. Games with friends seem much more important as she can dissapear in mid chatting when they get a hold of her. Never text good morning or good night really. Not sharing about her life as before. Not as playfull, not to say almost never.
    Yet, she still say she love me. And our plans for visiting the first time since we got together still seem appealing (had some major setback time after time).

    She told me she didn't knew why she changed and that she is an reserved and drawn back person. This change happend over a day. Went from eagerly wanted to talk with me and I would say open person, to very drawn back and distant and shutting me out. Still the skype calls we have indicates that she still loves me.

    There are many details that I feel I want to include but I don't know if it will help or make it a bigger mess than it is. Hope it makes some sense.
    I just want to feel important again, that she wants to talk with me.
    I'm honestly afraid..

    Welcome to forums I´m sorry for your situation, it doesn´t sound very good to me. You know, not talking in LDR is kinda like not having the relationship at all, when talking is pretty much all we have, right? You should have a serious discussion with her about what´s going on. Do you think her mum could have said something that would make your SO to change the attitude?


      Without knowing more details...just what u have posted.... I would say she's lost interest, but doesn't want to tell you. Who moves and doesn't tell their SO? I am sorry....but u may not want to plant that trip.

      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


        That's a tough situation, I'm sorry. I agree, it does sound like she's just not very interested anymore, and maybe isn't mature enough to tell you, hoping that things will just fade away. In and LDR, communicating often is pretty much a requirement. Both my SO and I are pretty reserved and introverted, and we always have time for each other. She's not even telling you what's going on in her life, that's not good, I'm afraid

        I think you should have one more (last?) conversation with her, force it if you have to, and ask the hard questions. Go from there, and see what happens. Good luck.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I'm planning the trip anyway because I'm attending a 4day event with other friends. She is also going to that event.
          I don't think her mom said anything. It started when she was packing her stuff before she left. She didn't plan to stay there from the beginning. And she stayed there because she was able to save more money and largely because of me.
          The reason she didn't told me she moved back was that she moved back in with her room mate (he is guy) same as she lived with during the summer.
          He has also asked her mom if he can court my SO. But as far as I know, she is not intrested and explained to him that it isn't her moms choice, it's her own.
          I also don't know if her room mate knows about me/us.

          She have said that my devotion catches her off guard. But I believe I've had the same amount of devotion all these months. So it confuses me.
          And I'm afraid to ask the hard questions (and I'm not sure of what they are, my head is a mess) because it's only 3 months away, and I don't know what will happend if I ask. Don't want stumble over the finish line sort of.

          Actally ended up in an argument last night when my messages showed as read on my screen, but she claimed to never seen or got them. So she thought I was asleep and I felt ignored (wonder how many times this have happend). Made it sound like I was accusing her of lying. Which hurts to hear, it wasn't my intention at all. This happend largely because she had to switch to her older phone because she broke the glass on the screen on her new one. Didn't know she switched yet tho.
          Last edited by Sc1tch; March 29, 2014, 11:29 AM.


            You don't treat someone you care about like this. You don't move in with another guy that likes you, even you don't, and not tell your SO. It is not only neglectful but deceitful. I would call her on it and she is not totally open and honest and owning all this, then walk before you get anymore hurt. Would you treat her like this? Ask yourself that question and if the answer is No, then she should not be treating you like that either.
            "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
            Benjamin Franklin


              I value all of your feedback and new viewpoints. Thank you.
              Seems like the latest missunderstanding is out of the way.
              I'm trying to find a time to sit down and talk just the two of us. Will be trying out some "magic relationship words" that I found on the interwebz.

              I was asking for her time yesterday, and she replied with 'sure, we can'. And when she finally got home she didn't want to skype, had a headache and a bit drunk, and was going to sleep as I could understand it when she logged out from games and didn't reply. Found out when I woke up now that she have been playing anyway and don't know how to confront her about it.

              Do you guys have any tips and ideas what questions to ask her? The hard questions that will say.

