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Am I overthinking?

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    Am I overthinking?

    I know lately I'm being a bit of a paranoid, but well, hope to find some enlightement here, as usual!

    I was talking about my university future with my bf (I still have 3 years to go and we would close the distance after those 3 years). I was being a bit silly about it, and when he said my life's gonna be great after graduating I said I will want to share it with him and asked him if he wanted that too. He said it was a silly question (I know it was, it's just I have a really low self esteem I guess) and when I insisted to have an answer he said it was a silly question cos of course he wants too. But "who knows what the future holds, anything can happen". THAT sentence made me start overthinking. I tried not to show him I was already overthinking and when I asked him what he meant, he said he just meant what he wrote, that we both want the same thing and hopefully it'll work out that way, but anything can happen in 3 years.

    It's clear I'm not able to be logic right now, my mind is wandering already, that's why I thought writing it down could help me seeing it the right way.
    Do you think I'm just overthinking (I often do that) or do you think there's something he meant?

    I wouldn't worry to much to be honest it's just you really do never know what can happen and your can't be sure you will be 100% together. Feelings can fade, something may happen where one of you no longer want a future you just really never know. But for now don't worry enjoy your relationship and see what happned


      My two cents - You are in an LDR and both parties work for the relationship. Some days you need support and somedays he will need the same. As many others have said communication is the key...keep talking with your SO and the best to you both


        You know...
        Maybe he means: Who knows what the future holds. Anything can happen. We might find a way to be together sooner.
        Not everything always means something negative. Maybe he was just trying to be mysterious
        Do you never say something to people and think later: hmmm.. might have wanted to say that a bit different....

        I do know what you mean about over analyzing I can over analize a smiley to the max.
        A SMILEY.

        But I think there's nothing you should worry about!!


          Thanks everybody for the quick replies, really!

          After those messages, I said I hope he won't get tired of me, trying to keep it funny (I mean.. I didn't want to make it feel like I take everything too seriously) and he said "Ahahahah I might do!". Needless to say I'm overthinking even more now!!


            He could be "winding you up" as my bf likes to say lol. My bf is Scottish and until I learned how to take his sense of humor, I always took everything to heart..


              Don't overthink it! My SO and I say that all the time because we honestly can't know what will happen in the future, but we do agree that we want a future together. It sounds like that's where you are too. Take him at his word when he said of course he wants a future with you. Don't worry about the other comment, I'm sure he didn't mean anything negative about it.



                Originally posted by PrincessJOE View Post
                Thanks everybody for the quick replies, really!

                After those messages, I said I hope he won't get tired of me, trying to keep it funny (I mean.. I didn't want to make it feel like I take everything too seriously) and he said "Ahahahah I might do!". Needless to say I'm overthinking even more now!!
                I'm pretty sure he was joking, hence the "Ahahahah" and the !



                  Don't worry. I'm always overthinking. I'm trying to read something in between the lines that isn't there. I'm way too figurative in my speech, but my SO is literal. He doesn't say one thing and mean another, but I try to make it that way in my brain. I'm always hearing something and getting worried til I ask him about it. He never means anything by it like I imagined he did. I read or heard somewhere, maybe here, that a woman will say she's cold expecting her guy to cuddle and love her. A guy will say he's cold because he's cold - turn up the heat. They don't even realize what is being said might have some other meaning.

                  Just tonight I had to ask my SO about something he mentioned in conversation. I had worried myself into the point of thinking we were breaking up. I knew better, but I couldn't get the comment out of my head. When I did ask him about it, I went about it carefully. As usual, I had misunderstood his point. I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it sounded to you.


                    Thanks to every single one of you. I told him that sentence kinda hurted me and he said he was sorry. We didn't talk about it anymore but he was even nicer than usual (he's not the kind of man who gets emotional AT ALL), so i take he got it (hopefully!).

                    Rosie: my bf is from the Uk too ahah

