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I'm honestly clueless...?

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    I'm honestly clueless...?

    I'll give you the readers background information first. I met this girl on a social media thing like Facebook and from there it just went upwards. I really had a connection with this girl and I soon could honestly say I love her. For the sake of reading lets call her Lucy.

    You see at first I wasn't really open or a LDR but Lucy was amazing, she liked basically all the same things as me even down to music and some hobbies! I couldn't resist and I asked her to be my girlfriend. We talked a lot everyday for two months here in about a few weeks it will make our third month. But lately Im completely clueless.

    She hasn't really been talking to me and sometimes I can be very overreactive about certain things. I told her if she doesn't like the distance between the two of us that I would completely understand if she went and found someone closer because I just want her to be happy, she always replied with she has never met a guy like me that has been so caring and loving and she just wants to keep me. But I'm starting to think that she did what I said she could and doesn't want to tell me. I text her once in the morning so she knows I'm awake and I know she gets them because we snapchat and cool thing is that app shows when the pictures have been viewed.

    She can view the pictures but not message me and say hey I'm busy or hey I can't talk now maybe later? I get nothing maybe a text a day later saying it and its been happening a lot the past week and I'm starting to think that maybe she is seeing someone else. I can't control someone and I know it's inevitable as humans we can love one person and then love someone else.

    But I don't want to chase a tail that isn't there.. Lucy doesn't seem like she would be the person to do that to go behind someone's back because she is so sweet but every person has that part of them that will do it. I might just be overreacting and she could be caught up in school and work and have no time but it's getting to the point where if I get a message I don't even want to talk because Im used to not talking to her for hours to even a day on end.

    I'm clueless and honestly thinking about just ending the relationship and continuing my daily life as it was before I started talking to her.

    Stop the talking about replacing each other. Just don't go there. If you are in this relationship, you are. Dont encaurage her to leave you. That will only make her feel you don't really care for her.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      In my previous LDR, I made a mistake and told my then SO he could hook up with someone since we were so far away and had no idea when we would see each other next. Well, he did, and he admitted it to me. The relationship didn't last much longer after that because 1. I realized it wasn't that easy to deal with him having someone else and 2. He thought I didn't care about him. I did care though and I wanted him to be happy, but I should have thought it through before giving him a green light to go and cheat.

      My advice is, don't tell her she can go find someone else closer to her because I don't think you can handle it. Open relationships aren't for everyone. You need to tell her how you feel and find some time to talk about where you both think your relationship is going. Communication is a key to any LDR and if you can't have that,then ending it would probably be the best thing to do. The only one, however, that can make the choice is you. Good luck!


        My interest started pulling away in a similar fashion and it's because I suspect he met someone in his town and doesn't know how to let me down so he thought completely ignoring me was the answer when it isn't. It just made things worse. When they start talking to you less like that, it's pointless anymore trying to get them to talk to you again. If they wanted to talk to you they would have made the efforts to. I don't want to pull teeth to try to get someone to talk to me again when in a LDR, it's hard maintaining anything as it is. Daily conversations should be a given.


          I probably screwed myself by telling she could. But like I said I don't think she would but she is capable..

          How in the world am I supposed to tell her when she won't answer any of messages and I don't know if she is receiving them. But I sure will try


            If you plainly told her she could do it, then you regretted it deeply but you did not tell her that, you just HOPE she will not do it... That is not good at all. You started it, so learn some confrontation skills, because she can't read your mind. It is ok to want a monogamous relationship, and even most poly relatiohship start off that way. We poly people put a lot of hard work into the open relationship and that's why it can work. If you can't even talk together about it, TAKE YOUR SUGGESTION BACK and tell her what you really want. You are in a new relationship, you are inexperienced, and you are playing with fire.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

