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He ended it..

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    He ended it..

    The love of my life ended our relationship earlier today...he told me it was because his parents forced him because of his grades (sounds silly, but I've had trouble focusing in school as well)...even though he assured me that we would still talk, it's just heartwrenching to know that it will never be the same I love him so much...he's my everything...I wanna wait until this summer to see if we can start over, but I'm scared that he'll find someone else by then. I don't know whether to wait or move on because I'm head over heels in love with him :/
    Last edited by whiso; April 9, 2014, 08:50 PM.

    aww im sorry having a broken heart is the worst feeling. Why dont you stay positive and see what happens later on , its good he still wants to talk. Best of luck


      Originally posted by whiso View Post
      The love of my life ended our relationship earlier today...he told me it was because his parents forced him because of his grades (sounds silly, but I've had trouble focusing in school as well)...even though he assured me that we would still talk, it's just heartwrenching to know that it will never be the same I love him so much...he's my everything...I wanna wait until this summer to see if we can start over, but I'm scared that he'll find someone else by then. I don't know whether to wait or move on because I'm head over heels in love with him :/
      How old are you two, anyway? Still in high school? I mean, how could his parents force him to do anything, because of his grades, unless he's still in high school or they are footing the bill for college, and he's still living at home, not doing anything for himself?

      You might not like to face it, but it might be a good thing for now. Put your focus back on your studies. Forced or not, he is moving on, so you should too, at least for now. Both of you need to focus on your own lives, get an education, find jobs you like, find a hobby, do volunteer work, or other things you enjoy, save some money for the future, etc. In short, grow up a little more. It takes some maturity to handle a LDR.


      Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


        I'm sorry this happened. If he loves you, he won't find someone else. Can you talk with him somehow, maybe an email, to ask if he wants you two to wait a while for each other or if he wants you two to date others during this time? You might could get him to clarify. If he is your everything you wouldn't mind waiting, if he is waiting. It is hard to know what to think, when we don't know your ages and other circumstances. Maybe he can do better in school and get his parents to relent, if he talks with them and shows responsibility.

        I hope it can work out for you.


          I have to say, I really don't believe in age being a factor at all. I met my partner when I was 12 or 13 on a kids game we played online, and we talked all the years since. At about 15 or 16 I was completely head over heels for him, but nothing eventuated of it at the time because obviously there was nothing either of us could do at that age, but we kept on talking, dated other people, went about our lives but always had each other there in some part. It wasn't until the last two years that things actually got serious between us, and we knew that we wanted to be together for real. He moved over last December, and we've never been happier. Just because you can't make it work at a younger age doesn't mean you should cut all contact, you were obviously friends to begin with, keep chatting if it's possible, doesn't have to be anything serious, just as friends, and you never know where it could lead you. Worst comes to worst, you might not end up together like you had hoped for, but at least you've had a friend to talk to and rely on. Hopefully it all works out for you in the end in some way or another, best of luck


            Your grades are important. If the improve, you can get back together in summer but with a different way of keeping in touch. I am sure his parents will agree.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              Originally posted by delightful View Post
              I have to say, I really don't believe in age being a factor at all. I met my partner when I was 12 or 13 on a kids game we played online, and we talked all the years since. At about 15 or 16 I was completely head over heels for him, but nothing eventuated of it at the time because obviously there was nothing either of us could do at that age, but we kept on talking, dated other people, went about our lives but always had each other there in some part. It wasn't until the last two years that things actually got serious between us, and we knew that we wanted to be together for real. He moved over last December, and we've never been happier. Just because you can't make it work at a younger age doesn't mean you should cut all contact, you were obviously friends to begin with, keep chatting if it's possible, doesn't have to be anything serious, just as friends, and you never know where it could lead you. Worst comes to worst, you might not end up together like you had hoped for, but at least you've had a friend to talk to and rely on. Hopefully it all works out for you in the end in some way or another, best of luck
              ^ It's scary alike we are lol. I also met my SO on an online game when I was 13, and we've talked every day since. However, when we were both young and still in high school we agreed together to date other people. We did, and eventually later down the road knew we wanted to meet each other, and we became exclusive the summer after my senior year of high school. Get your SO to clarify with you what he wants. He could either want you to wait for him, or he could suggest dating other people. Clear the air with him first and maybe later down the road when he gets this straightened out, the two of you can have another shot Good luck


                I can't imagine how you're feeling right now

                But if it wasn't his decision, he might still love you.
                And when you keep talking, you won't loose contact. So there's still hope for the future!
                Summer isn't that far away. Maybe you can plan a get together and see how things are then.
                Make solid plans for next schoolyear so you can also convince his parents that school and a relationship won't be a problem.

                Good luck, and hugs!!

