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Who is busier? You or your SO

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    I'd say work wise he's busier as he works 30-40hrs a week and I only work 8 hours, but we're both gone from home about the same, with my long commutes.
    Free-time wise he is way busier. He plays Magic with his dad and sister every now and then, runs D&D campaigns or participates in them once to twice a week and has to do all chores by himself, while I only have to clean my room.

    We simply do our own thing until the other one comes online, then talk to each other on Steam / TeamSpeak. We are fortunate enough to talk to each other everyday even if it is just for a couple minutes.

    Relationship began: 05/22/2012
    First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
    Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
    Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
    Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
    Married: 1/24/2015
    Became Resident: 9/14/2015


      my SO is more busy than me, she goes to college. i don't study or work at the moment because i dropped out last year because of a depression. but soon i'll be back in college and stuff. so at this moment she is more busy than me


        It varies.
        It was him while he was finishing his PhD, but with that out of the way it's a little closer to even. He actually is probably busier overall, but his schedule is a bit more fluid than mine, so he's more easily able to make time at particular times than I am. (He tutors at university, but only a few hours a week. And he's writing journal articles for publication, applying for jobs and postdoc fellowships, etc. So, lots and lots of work, but not necessarily 9-5 kinda thing.)


          Him. Neither of us are very busy at all, but once a week he goes to a job center/unemployment office, and he has to get up every morning to get his sister ready for school. I don't do much of anything until I find a job.
          "You let me in your heart and out of my head."


            At the moment, I think we are about even. He has a bunch of assignments to work on and finish and I have to study for exams. After May time until I find a job, he will be busier because he has classes and assignments until June but once I get a job then we will be about even again I think.. and then this summer he also has some projects he has to do so it will be about even as well.


              My SO works more than I do, but I have a younger son that requires a lot of attention I think we're equally busy, just in different areas. We don't talk every day but we usually at least send a text message to each other. Whatever we can to make it work. It helps being in the same time zone!


                He is definitely busier than I am. I stay busy with work, but I enjoy some down time outside of work. My SO is not a "down time" kind of person. He always has about 100 different projects all going at the same time. He has something going on about every night out of the week outside of just normal every day things like groceries, etc.


                  Depends, but right now I think its my SO, though I'm fairly busy too since I work till 3:30 everyday, but when I'm free, he's still busy studying or working on a project or something. Thank goodness he's graduating in 3 weeks!!!


                    Right now my SO is busier..He does web design the most but has other things he does to make money also. He works online and off about 12 hours a day mostly during the week and kind of does less on Sunday but then his putzy room mate eats up a lot of his time so we chat on Skype at night and sometimes in the wee hours of the morning mostly every day...sometimes we chat during the day in short sessions. i stay at home and take care of my mother with Alzheimers,making sure she eats and doing laundry ,dishes, doc appts, etc. which takes all day but I have long periods of time sometimes I dont do much. Depends on the day and how she is doing.


                      It seems that a lot of people actually spend more than 12 hours working from this thread.

                      I wonder how everyone manages to communicate with their SOs. I feel like for me that a good 1 hr may not be enough for a skype conversation. So it is a struggle working too much or being busy most of the time.


                        Right now, I feel like I am busier than my SO. I have two jobs; one is working at a barn in the mornings, and the other is closing at the Cafe that I work at, usually during the night times. I usually only have one complete day off from both jobs, so I use that day to spend time with my SO via Skype or gaming. I am glad he is understanding, and I do try to find a bit of time in between to chat.


                          Hm..I think my SO is busier than I am right now. Although he doesn't have a job right now, he is doing a lot of work for school and a lot of extra side work for school...and he's more than likely going to have an internship over the summer. I have school to focus on right now, along with a part time job, but I think overall he's the busier one.


                            With full-time work, full-time school and a family that depends on her, my SO is definetly busier than I am. *thumbs down*

                            "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                            Married April 18th, 2015!!
                            Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                              I'd say that I'm busier than my SO, for now. I go to school full-time and I also work part-time. It's really school that has been killing me this semester. I've been so busy with school, I barely have any free time to myself these days. Fortunately, the semester will be over in 5 weeks! Then I can finally relax and enjoy summer break without having to worry about school

                              My SO works two part-time jobs, but they only equal about 20 hours/week put together. He is also working on his Master's thesis paper, but he often procrastinates on it, so some days he doesn't get much done ^^


                                We are both extremely busy, but I'd say I 'win'. I study architecture, so I'm at uni till 10 in the evening on very regular base. Around deadlines it becomes about 16 hour workdays easily. yay! He has his bachelor in environmental engineering, so around project deadlines he makes pretty long days as well.

