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Akward Question.

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    AussieAmericanGirl66, Thanks!
    I texted him yesterday and asked if I could pay him just give an amount. He still has not replied to me. I appreciate the advice. I feel guilt and don't want to send the phone back to him. I feel it is completely over if I do, but at the same time I feel it's wrong to hold on to it if he is not speaking at all to me. 4 days seems like a long time. Thanks for the advice & support.



      Hang in there hun, and know you've got lots of LD friends rooting for you


        Awe... Thank you buddy. I hope we make up, and if we do... our first official date will be on June 26th. If that happens I would love to be able to post that picture of us together.The same sweet way you and your other look together. HAPPY!



          6 days not talking to you over an argument? That is not normal, this is torture. I think he is mistreating you. 6 days is far too long to be upset over being rough in an argument!!

          Relationship began: 05/22/2012
          First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
          Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
          Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
          Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
          Married: 1/24/2015
          Became Resident: 9/14/2015


            Originally posted by snow View Post
            6 days not talking to you over an argument? That is not normal, this is torture. I think he is mistreating you. 6 days is far too long to be upset over being rough in an argument!!
            Has it been 6 days? That's pretty ridiculous if that's the case.

            OP have you called him instead of texting him and just left a message to see whats going on?
            Makes my heart feel better a tiny bit.


              Snow...silly it's been 4 days today. If you count the day we were texting back and fourth on the 15th of April... then technically it would only be 3 days. I counted 4 days, because I haven't heard his voice in 4 days. I have hope. He still has me in his "Google Circle" and has me listed as his "CRUSH" on the other site. (I texted him about the crush when I sent him the long text yesterday. he hasn't taken it down yet.
              There's hope maybe. I'm not sure if his ethnicity plays a factor at all in this, but I do know some cultures have strict values and that might be why...who really knows. He's Taiwanese and very educated, but it's still difficult. He's a professor at a university and believe me he never has time. I will stay positive, I'm just not going to text him anymore. I'll take some cute pictures this weekend and maybe after I post them he'll see I've stayed strong. Who knows? I cant give up I still have his phone.

              Snow you have to help me stay positive. Laughs out loud!


                Still rooting for you! Keep your chin up <3


                  Well good luck with this. But how I view things I never think the silent treatment is ok and is more childish. As adults when your upset you either speak about it and work it out or say "hey we will talk about this later I need time to think" but flat out silent for days that's not ok and I think commutation is always the key to a healthy relationship. But keep us updated and good luck


                    I would put in a call and leave him a message - just something simple along the lines of hey, just thinking about you, havent heard from you, give me a call when you have time to talk. No need to keep mentioning what happened, or the phone and leave it at that.
                    This time of year I am sure he is slammed with end of semester stuff
                    Have you seen him posting on line?
                    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.


                      Originally posted by itsjen516 View Post
                      Well good luck with this. But how I view things I never think the silent treatment is ok and is more childish. As adults when your upset you either speak about it and work it out or say "hey we will talk about this later I need time to think" but flat out silent for days that's not ok and I think commutation is always the key to a healthy relationship. But keep us updated and good luck

                      I agree with this.. even if people need the cool off time right away and end a conversation or leave from a fight or whatever, if it's gonna take a few days to process and think stuff through, that should be communicated as soon as the initial temper/fight has calmed down. It just seems both childish and game playing-y to ignore someone you care about. And yes, it is ignoring if you haven't responded when they reach out.

                      Are you okay with it if this is how he's going to handle things every time there's a fight?


                        I totally agree... Jen516 & Subeasley....

                        This is going way to far! I woke up this morning puzzled kind of wondering if I even care anymore. I'm not sure if it's, because I finally realize it has become a mental challenge. I think today was the last day for me. I'm giving up and throwing in that towel. It's done! I don't believe in game playing or secrets. I guess that's why I tried everyone's advice first.
                        I REALLY tried, which is a first for me. I guess when you mature you try to change your patterns from past relationships. I feel like it back fired on me though, but I don't regret it. I'm not going to give the phone back. I figure since he's stuck in a new contract I will pay him for the separate contract. I figure returning the phone to him would be rude. he's stuck into this deal for 2 years unless he takes the money and uses it to close the account. I give up. I tried & I'm sure he did too. It just didn't work out and for whatever reasons he still wants to hold on in his small way that's fine? I hope he doesn't expect me to feel the same and resume where we left off. I started rambling excuse me. If anyone wants to keep in touch just let me know. I'll stay here, but don't see a reason to keep reminding myself it's done. I'm glad we have sunshine in California. Well thanks for the continued support and I hope this wasn't wrote in vain. I hope this will help another couple out there in Someway Land. Peace!
                        Has anyone heard that song By - Artic Monkeys ''Do I Wanna Know?" That's now going to remind me of him. That's exactly how It feels.

                        -That phone is what's connected to us it's weird. {smh


                          I'm really sorry things worked out the way they did, Roxie. Sending epic hugs your way.


                            I'm sorry things didn't work out but I'm glad your seeing it in a postive way. You will grow from this, move on and be happy. But if you ever need any of us we are all here to listen

