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Advice, anyone?

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    Advice, anyone?

    I need some advice, me and this person have been in LDR for 10 months. I've know them for 3 and a half years over the Internet, we're trying to be together, but it seems to be falling apart, and I don't know what to do.

    Could you be more specific on the situation? What's troubling you? How is it falling apart? No one can really give you advice if you aren't more clear on your situation.


      You're not really giving a lot of info to advise on...
      Why does it seem to be like it's falling apart? And have you seen each other in real life?

      Me and my SO keep in contact with whatsapp everyday and we try to skype as often as possible.
      When you're in an LDR, words are the only thing you have. Communication has to be good (it takes practice and time for that to be perfect).
      What also helps MASSIVELY is to have a set date for when you're gonna visit each other. That gives you something to live foreward to.

      You seem scared that your relationship might fail... Have you talked about that with your SO? Tell him/her your concerns and work out how you can solve the problems you're having.
      Talking is the key

