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    So my SO and I have meet twice now. I don't know if I am crazy or not but I am in love with him. We started talking about 12 months ago and talk every night for hours and Skype sometimes. I am getting ready to be move closer to him. He really wants me to quiet my job as soon as I graduate in June. He wants to support me and what not. I love that idea. I am just not sure. I do love him but my last relationship I moved in with my ex with in 2 months of dating and it was nice. I just don't want to make a mistake. I do love him and I do believe he is the one. He is the sweetest guy and want to take care of me. I guess I am just afraid. I want to know you guys think.

    June is really not far away, and you've been dating a little over a month? I would say take it slow. I know you said you've known eachother for a year and met twice, but you're most likely still in the honey moon phase, and you really get to know a person differently when you're in a relationship with he/she. Regardless, you will be moving a fair distance, do you have any kind of social network where your SO lives (of your own)? If you absolutely feel you have to move, why not take a flat on your own (if you can afford it/manage to get a job)?

    Bottom line, it's up to you, but I'd say take it slow. It's stressful living with someone, as I'm sure you found out living with your ex, are you and your relationship really ready to take that stress right after graduating?
    We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


      What does your SO do? Have you guys explicitly discussed finances? Has he lived with another person who didn't have income before and been familiar with the process (and expense) of supporting them?

      What will you be doing if you're not working? A big move, with no friends in the area and your partner at work, could get quite lonely without some sort of plan for how to use your time.


        This relationship is way too new for you to decide that it's okay for him to financially "take care of you." If you want to move to be closer to him, great! But find a way to support yourself. Make sure you are okay being in his city alone, because there is always a chance the relationship won't work. Make sure you have enough money saved that you can support yourself until you have a job there. June is only a little over a month away. I don't see what the giant hurry here is. I say take your time and actually think about your options and what your future plans are first.

