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PDA when with SO ( acceptable or hell NO?)

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    PDA when with SO ( acceptable or hell NO?)

    So my SO was in town with me for 2weeks and he just left 2days ago (;___; )
    Obviously, when we dont see our SO for months at a time and when we do see them, we tend to get a little more cozy than normal couples would privately and when in public.

    my question is

    Is it more acceptable to express a little PDA as a LDR couple or Not?
    When i say PDA i mean just light kisses(not snogging), hand holding, sitting on lap --> on the streets/with friends for dinner.

    I have never been so clingy with anyone like i do with my SO (my first LDR). i cant stop looking at him and just wanting to kiss him all day. during the 2weeks, the only time we were not together was during toilet breaks.

    would friends and people we meet be more acceptable of light PDA with LDR couples or the rules to keep affections private completely extend to us too?

    I am pretty sure you guys experience the same thing no?

    I think the rules are the same for everybody, why should others have to feel uncomfortable just because we chose to be in an LDR? We aren't special, we should behave just like any other couple is expected to behave.
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      I feel like there's really nothing wrong with a little PDA from any couple as long as they're appropriate about it. As in, they know when to stop and when it's fine. I feel like it's also understandable that being in an LDR would make you more prone to wanting to be (possibly) excessively physical with your s/o, because you aren't afforded the luxury of being with them as often as you want. I don't necessarily think that passes as an excuse, though. The comfort level of friends and family is entirely dependent on them, though, so I guess that would just be a matter of judgement. If you feel they won't mind, and it's not inappropriate for the situation, then who cares? Be as adorable as you want.
      If you're not entirely sure, you can try asking how they would feel about it. Hopefully they understand and can speak with you honestly about it.

      I'm meeting my s/o for the first time in September. I'm also bringing a friend with me, because she's always wanted to go to London, and I know she won't feel like a third wheel when we meet up with my s/o. I've talked to her about everything from PDA to "alone time", and she really doesn't care as long as we don't like, exile her from the hotel room for the entire night or leave her stranded somewhere. If I were around family, though, I know my mother would be offended if I did anything more than just hold hands in public (unless he put a ring on my finger, then she'd be demanding grandbabies).
      Last edited by Harlequin; May 1, 2014, 11:43 PM. Reason: forgot a sentence. whoops!


        Ya it is totally acceptable now a days couples doing such things is normal for people around them.


          Originally posted by Gingerlyme View Post
          Is it more acceptable to express a little PDA as a LDR couple or Not?
          When i say PDA i mean just light kisses(not snogging), hand holding, sitting on lap --> on the streets/with friends for dinner.
          I'm not sure how would people in the street know you're actually in a LDR?

          For me, if we've chosen to spend time with other people, then the right thing is to focus on them. If we go out with friends, we focus on the connection with them, not fostering the connection between the two of us. It's just not the time or the place.
          Of the things you mentioned, I'd hold back on kissing and especially sitting in the lap... personally I think that's tacky even when teens do it, let alone anyone over 20. Put yourself in other people's shoes and ask yourself how would you feel if you had to watch a couple be all over each other. It's just an awkward situation even for open-minded people. LDR doesn't change that. Besides, holding back when you're out and about often makes for more passionate make-out sessions when you're back home

          Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


            I think "the rules" really depend on where you guys are from (which country, big or small city, etc), how old you are and who you are around. But the decision is yours in the end - what do you feel comfortable doing? People have different boundaries and you have to decide your own, and take into consideration the comfort of the people around you, if you care about it. For example, I don't have a problem with kissing and holding hands with my SO when we are together, even around my parents, but they have met him several times and we are not teenagers. I wouldn't sit on his lap, but that is mostly because I am tall and it would be very awkward. Take your time and figure out what your boundaries are


              I'm not personally a fan of PDA. I will hold my SO's hand and be close to him, but thats the extent I will go. We save the good stuff for when no ones around.

              I don't like it when couples do it in front of me, so I don't do it either. You never know who else around you is possibly missing their SO, and feeling sad because they saw you draped all over yours.


                I guess it depends how you feel about it and what kind of affection we are talking about. PDA personally doesn't bother me at all. I'm not saying you should be making out on park bench or something but kissing and holding hands sure! My SO and I are so lovey it's almost sickning. haha We kiss (cute quick ones) and hold hands, pretty much all the time. Her dad makes fun of us saying you couldn't even slip a piece of paper between us we're always so close to each other. Ah well, I love it!

                "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
                Married April 18th, 2015!!
                Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                  For me, I'm never super comfortable when I see a couple that behaves like they are the only people on planet earth while they are out and about. I don't even mean making out, witnessing PDA is generally an awkward thing depending on the level. My SO and I will hold hands while out, or if we are sitting down, I'll lean my head on his shoulder, and he may kiss the top of my head, or a quick kiss on the cheek, but that's as far as it really goes. I never really understand couples who when they are out in public choose to sit on each other, rub each other, play footsy, or constantly be looking at each other in a way that obviously says "hey if no one else was around, we would totally tear off each others clothes and get it on." PDA can get to a level that is just weird for others, controlling baser instincts when you are surrounded by complete strangers and families shouldn't be that hard.

                  If I am out with friends or family with my SO, we are going to be focusing on them, especially if they were willing to set aside time to meet up, that's just common courtesy. LDR or not, you have your time when you're alone together, so when you are out with others you owe them a level of attention and politeness. I think just because I have been the witness to couples who are just so lost in each other they've got no ability to figure out what strangers are seeing, and how awkward and uncomfortable it is to witness, that I myself won't ever be one of those. I love my SO and he loves me, we go months and months without seeing each other, but expressing it is just better left to our homes.
                  Last edited by NerdyChick; May 2, 2014, 06:12 AM.
                  First Visit - June 25, 2013 - July 15, 2013 (England)
                  Second Visit - December 20, 2013 - January 13, 2014 (England)
                  Third Visit: (Tickets Booked!) April 12, 2014 - May 10, 2014 (US)


                    I do it cuz we never see each other so when we do we don't mind kissing Infront of others. We go "they will never see us again who cares"
                    But if I'm with him and I'm introducing him to friends or something then we act normal to not make others feel uncomfortable.


                      PDA is acceptable, as long as your tongue isn't completely down his throat in public..I'm okay with a few kisses here and there, and we'll hold hands or he'll have his arm around me.


                        I don't think it matters whether you're LD or not. A random person on the street has no idea what kind of relationship you have. All they see is what you do.

                        Personally, I'm not a big fan of PDA in more than very minute, loving quantities-- "innocent" things, like holding hands, putting your hand no their arm/leg, putting your arm around them, etc. Otherwise, it makes me uncomfortable.
                        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                        Engaged: 09/26/2020


                          Interesting to see the differences! I agree with whomever said (I'm on my phone so it's not easy to go find the username) it's based on location. I'll sit in my SO's lap if I'm in jeans and we're sitting at the park or I'll lay my headon him I we're laying at the beach. We hold hands and loop arms. He sometimes massages my neck or shoulders over my clothes. All are normal and common forms of PDA here but I live in a hippie town. I draw the line at groping, making out/more than a quick peck, or anything that could even hint at sexual behaviour.


                            My SO doesn't really like anything PDA -- holding hands is fine, but kissing in public? Eww. I wouldn't mind, but I try to respect his preferences.
                            We did sneak kisses behind his family's back though, last summer when I stayed with them. That was fun
                            I do try to think about the comfort of others, though. What if someone around you just broke up with their SO, or is also in an LDR etc. -- I don't even like seeing couples holding hands most of the time because I miss my SO.
                            first met in 2008 -- started talking online again in 2011 -- decided to go on a date in 2012 -- actually started dating on our first visit in August 2013 --
                            second visit in February 2014 -- third visit in June 2014 -- fourth visit in September 2014


                              Originally posted by RachelAnne View Post
                              PDA is acceptable, as long as your tongue isn't completely down his throat in public..
                              Says who? The Official LDR Etiquette Textbook? Don't confuse your personal preferences with general rules.

                              My SO and I like PDA. Since my first visit we've established an unwritten rule that we'll kiss whenever we ride up or down an escalator, and it's been years. We hold hand when we walk, we hold hands in the car or on the bus, we stop walking to randomly hug. Sometimes we make out in public if we feel like it. It's basically down to what you too feel like doing and are comfortable with. As with everything, really.
                              I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd

