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need to vent

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    need to vent

    I MISS MY S.O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Going crazy lololol been sooo long since we have been together. (physically) we are always together thru our hearts. But I just had to scream and I could not do it here so thank you for letting me vent lolol

    This is a perfect example of what to write in a blog.


      That's not really venting ?


        I have to admit that it bothers me a bit when members make threads about how much they miss their SO. Many (most?) or us are in long-distance relationships here (hence the name of the forum) an we all miss our partners. Everyday. All the time. It's pointless to point it out in a thread other than "What do you want to say to your SO" or "What's on your mind."
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          sorry , didn't mean to upset anyone.


            If this helped you so that you didn't have to freak the neighbours/coworkers out by screaming, I would say go for it, but yeah from what I've picked up spending time on the forum, blogs are more agreable places for venting.
            Maybe we should have a thread where everyone could go and scream "I MISS MY SO"

