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Could You And Your Partner Pass A U.S. Immigration Marriage Interview?

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    Could You And Your Partner Pass A U.S. Immigration Marriage Interview?

    Wasting time on Buzzfeed tonight and came across this. Interesting to see what some of the international couples might face. It kind of gave me a new appreciation for their struggles. SO and I have been together almost 4 years and there were a few that I knew I could stumble over.

    Haha thanks for sharing! That was fun. Although I couldn't remember what colour my SO's toothbrush is.. he might have gotten a new one since I was there last too.. and there were a few others that I was unsure about or didn't apply.. like I can't remember the last time we had a "fight" because it always gets resolved and then sort of hard to remember, and I can't remember who contacted who first after our first meeting/date lol.. I just remember that he was the first one to contact me on the site we met on. It was actually probably me that contacted him after our first in person meeting seeing as I flew back to Canada and had to message him to say I had arrived before he would know... unless he messaged ahead of time.. haha also I couldn't remember what day the garbage gets picked up now.. I did figure it out eventually when I was there last, but now I forget!!

    This was fun. I don't know if my Chris and I will have to do this, it will likely depend whether we go for the fiance/spouse visa route or a work visa route. We need money for either which is what we are working on at the moment with bettering our education so hopefully it will help us. But it's fun. :P


      I could answer every single one except that ones that didn't apply, and the tooth brush one. He's here visiting right now, so I asked him some of them too, he could also answer every single one except the tooth brush question. ^_^" I know what type of tooth paste he uses though
      This was fun to look at, especially since the topic of closing the distance has been coming up a bit more lately.
      Last edited by NerdyChick; May 7, 2014, 07:03 PM.
      First Visit - June 25, 2013 - July 15, 2013 (England)
      Second Visit - December 20, 2013 - January 13, 2014 (England)
      Third Visit: (Tickets Booked!) April 12, 2014 - May 10, 2014 (US)


        I have zero clue on what day his trash gets picked up. I barely remember what day to set mine out once a week!


          We just did it together and we both got 40 out of 46 but there could have been more except they don't really work for us, if they aksed us half of them, I would have to ask them, in which country? LOL.
          "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
          Benjamin Franklin


            I'm horrible at stuff like this! I don't pay enough attention to details. Color of his curtains or toothbrush? No clue. What day is trash pickup? Heck if I know! I just take it out to the trash bins in the back and one day a week it all disappears.

            I wonder how similar the Canadian interview process is to this. Here's to hoping we get the interview waived!


              I just went through it. It was fun! But as someone currently prepping for that interview those questions are way more specific than anything I've ever seen! Plus, most of the time they ask you two or three questions about where and how you met and that's it.


                Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                I just went through it. It was fun! But as someone currently prepping for that interview those questions are way more specific than anything I've ever seen! Plus, most of the time they ask you two or three questions about where and how you met and that's it.
                Well that's a relief! It would be horrible if they judged your relationship on whether or not you knew the colour of their tooth brush or what day the trash was picked up on!!


                  The only things I didn't know were how old his parents are and when the trash gets collected.. his sister told me their ages, but when I asked him about the trash he said he has no idea either lol

                  Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                  First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                  Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                  Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                  Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                  Married: 1/24/2015
                  Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                    I could answer most of them, save for a handful because they either don't apply or it's not something I encountered or remember from while I was there (seriously, what color is his toothbrush?!). I'm with lucy chick, though, most of the sample questions I've seen are nowhere near as specific as most of these!
                    Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                    Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                    Engaged: 09/26/2020


                      43 of 46! I checked the toothbrush question only because my answer is "whatever free toothbrush I get from the dentist before that trip" since he stays at the apartment/hotel with me when I visit and always forgets a toothbrush. haha

                      I didn't get the trash collection one (because, well, same reason as the toothbrush!) but the other two was because (1) he calls his boss "the coordinator" because really, there is no reason for me to know her name, and (2) who knows anyone's phone number now?! It's programed into my Skype and my phones for both our countries. I suppose those can be forgiven, hopefully!
                      When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
                      no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


                        Originally posted by squeeker View Post
                        Well that's a relief! It would be horrible if they judged your relationship on whether or not you knew the colour of their tooth brush or what day the trash was picked up on!!
                        I think you get more specific questions when the interviewer is suspicious of your relationship. For the majority of us, we have no red flags (no prior immigration tries, no prior marriages, no large age gap, only seeing each other once, etc) and you just get a few questions and move on. We're [hopefully] heading to the interview soon and I have already sent in so much goddam proof of a genuine, on-going relationship- bills, leases, flights, emails, letters, pictures, etc. So by the time you get to an interview they're just trying to make sure everything is good to go. Most of the time it is


                          I don't know why, but I was expecting questions akin to the citizenship test where they ask you ridiculously obscure questions from US history. I was about to start sweating

                          I got about half, which is fine for now since we haven't met yet. I didn't even think to ask him some of those questions (where he keeps his spare toilet paper, when trash gets collected, etc.), but I imagine as we see each other more, I'll learn whatever it was I didn't get this first time.


                            Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                            I think you get more specific questions when the interviewer is suspicious of your relationship. For the majority of us, we have no red flags (no prior immigration tries, no prior marriages, no large age gap, only seeing each other once, etc) and you just get a few questions and move on. We're [hopefully] heading to the interview soon and I have already sent in so much goddam proof of a genuine, on-going relationship- bills, leases, flights, emails, letters, pictures, etc. So by the time you get to an interview they're just trying to make sure everything is good to go. Most of the time it is
                            Okay that makes sense then! I guess if they are suspicious of a relationship, it's maybe a good thing that they would at least ask more questions rather than flat out denying it because of they were suspicious! lol I guess as long as you send in enough proof, there should be no reason to worry. Good luck on your interview when you go, I'm sure it will go smoothly, especially since you have been living together awhile and have all that proof of a solid relationship.


                              I'm shocked! I was sure I would flunk, considering we have never met in person, but I passed!

                              You checked off 19 out of 46 on this list!
                              Warner Bros. / Via
                              Hooray! It’s love! You know your S.O. and the details of your relationship pretty gosh darn well. You even know all about David Lindhagen. You may be lacking in a few details, but those will come in time.

                              Not sure about David Lindhagen. Haven't seen the movie. .

                              I wonder if my SO could pass the quiz. Not sure if he is as observant as I am.

                              TWO HEARTS BEATING AS ONE, LOVE BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN...

                              Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart

