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Do You Believe In The Saying "Meant To Be"?

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    Do You Believe In The Saying "Meant To Be"?

    So I feel like I am madly in love with a guy that I met online a little over a year ago, and sometimes I really do believe that it might be meant to be. Here is our story. We met on a social anxiety website, and I asked a question on there and he responded to the thread and then shortly afterward, sent me a private message because he was afraid that what he said sounded rude. I was on the site because I had always had boy troubles. Like I was 18 years old, and for some reason had never clicked with any guy and I just thought there was something wrong with me. He was on the site because of some social issues he was having at his college. He actually picked the college in the first place because his cousin/best friend had died suddenly and tragically a few years before then, and his college had his cousins name in the name of the university which made him feel like that was just the place he was supposed to be. He thinks going to that college was a mistake, but if he hadn't gone then he wouldn't have gone on that site, and we wouldn't have met. We took things offline immediately and neither of us have been back since then, and something in my gut tells me he is "the one." and Sometimes he hints that he feels like that too. I told him that I didn't want to be in a romantic relationship right now, but he has seriously sworn off other girls because he says that he is so confident about us and he doesn't want anything else. Anyway, this guy has changed my mind about fate.

    What do you all think about "meant to be"? AND I would also love to hear some of your stories if you have any.

    I don't believe in "meant to be". I think we have a saying in life. Everything is just statistics, there always circumstances where it would have gone another way. Finally the one you end up with is the one where these circumstances were addressed properly and the attraction is given. I do not think one can speak about fate, because if not with that person, it would have happened with another one and in the end you will always be able to say, "if we hadn't been there at the right time...- we wouldn't know each other". You can only proof yourself true with this one. If you believe in "meant to be" you will always find signs for it and if you don't you realise that life always gives you what you need...

    My girl is the best to me, at least she is under the top permille of all girls. It is best that everything worked out the way it did and it could have turned out very differently, despite our attraciton towards oneanother. She was there at the right times in my development and gave me just what I needed and she feels positive influence from me as well.


      I believe in well as love at first site! 30 years ago I laid eyes on my husband from across a room, turned to the girl next to me and said "that's the man I am going to marry". He was 21 years older than me, and it lasted neatly 30 years. With my current SO, WE met quite by chance. My sister passed away, as did his. He was a HS friend of my brother, who lives in a different state. Never knew him because I am 9years older. They got back in touch when my brother went to his sisters funeral. When my SO asked my brother how he was handing dealing wth the death my brother told him that he wasn't, but he should talk to me on FB because I was able to keep it all together. He messages me, and we started talking. Two months later I flew to NY for a fundraiser, and he was there. The rest is history. We both believe we never would have met if our youngest sisters hadn't died. It's the only good thing that came from this..... Good luck to you!

      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


        I use the phrase sometimes but I don't believe in fate or destiny. I use it more in the context of "this feels right + the timing is right for this to happen".
        I don't believe in the concept of 'the one'. I never had doubts whether my SO was the one I wanted to be with, but had we met at another time in life, circumstances probably wouldn't have allowed it. 'Bridges of Madison County' are a great film about it.
        We also met by chance just like anyone else really. Plenty of chance encounters work, plenty of chance encounters don't.
        Last edited by Malaga; May 15, 2014, 06:26 AM.

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


          I might use the phrase on occasion, but I don't take the concepts of fate/destiny too seriously.
          There are choices in life and paths to take, and all of those affect outcomes and where we end up, etc. Maybe that's a "meant to be" or maybe it's just coincidence.

          I do think that my SO is the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, but I don't think it's 'fate' exactly that we met. It was a chance encounter after a series of decisions that led to us being in that position to talk.


            Nope, definitely not. I don't believe in fate, destiny, or "meant to be", life is a series of choices that can lead to an infinite number of conclusions; some bad, some good, and some that are seemingly neutral, but turning out to be anything but. There are 6 billion people on this planet, and believe it or not, a lot of them are "perfect" matches, it's just a matter of running into one of them, and having the right circumstances at the time.
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              I'll go against public opinion here and say that I believe in "meant to be." Due to the story of my relationship and just how everything worked out I definitely know and believe that we are meant to be


                Originally posted by Malaga View Post
                I use the phrase sometimes but I don't believe in fate or destiny. I use it more in the context of "this feels right + the timing is right for this to happen".
                I don't believe in the concept of 'the one'. I never had doubts whether my SO was the one I wanted to be with, but had we met at another time in life, circumstances probably wouldn't have allowed it. 'Bridges of Madison County' are a great film about it.
                We also met by chance just like anyone else really. Plenty of chance encounters work, plenty of chance encounters don't.
                Could've written that

                And Moon's post too.
                I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


                  I believe in fate, destiny and "meant to be". I think everything that happened in our lives lead to being in the relationship I am currently in with my fiancé. If things were different, if only a couple things didn't happen the way they happened, we would not be together now.

                  If he had stayed with his last girlfriend, he would have gotten married long ago.
                  If I never got interested in video games in the first place while being with my ex, I would never have met him through video games and since he's american and is not really interested in many other things I like, we would not have met.
                  If his friends didn't give him a Steam account with games on it, he would not have started playing online (he's not very computer savvy).
                  If I was happy in my last relationship I would not have stayed up late playing with american players.
                  If he had not joined the same server I played on in February 2 years ago, we would not have met - there is so many different servers, he would have started to like another one.
                  etc. etc.

                  There is just so many things that seem like fate that it is hard, for me, to dispute it.

                  Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                  First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                  Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                  Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                  Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                  Married: 1/24/2015
                  Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                    I definetly believe there's someone for everyone. So yes, I believe some people are just meant for each other.
                    I believe I'm meant for my SO, I mean, we basically meet through almost impossible circumstances. Like, if I hadn't been on that specific time and day, I never would've seen his post or anything. Fate/life is interesting isn't it?
                    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                      Meant to be, destiny, soul mates...I don't really believe in those things. I think I just got lucky in finding a great guy that I get along so well with
                      In all the world there is no heart for me like yours.
                      In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
                      -- Maya Angelou


                        My ex used to think we were "ment to be " - for as long as she was in love. Which goes to show how fate is just our interpretation of things.. I met my husband when he was in love with sineone else, but apperently he somehow still liked me. I met my boyfriend on a random holiday. I think life can lead in certain directions, but the ultimate decitions are up to us. And I dont believe in "the one "
                        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                          Originally posted by snow View Post
                          I believe in fate, destiny and "meant to be". I think everything that happened in our lives lead to being in the relationship I am currently in with my fiancé. If things were different, if only a couple things didn't happen the way they happened, we would not be together now.
                          This is exactly how I feel. I also believe in God, so more specifically I believe that everything happens for a reason because it's God's plan for me.



                            Honestly I use the term "meant to be" on here a lot when I think a couple should break up but don't want to outright say it.

                            I don't believe in it. I don't believe in fate or the "one". My SO and I are good for each other at this time. Maybe later in our lives we won't be. I know for certain had we met earlier it wouldn't have worked. Our relationship was never "meant to be". We worked hard and we are happy because we want to be happy.


                              I was always kind of neutral on the idea, but once the phrase "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be" suddenly had relevance in my life, I started to think about it a little more. Legit or not, it's really interesting to think about. I don't believe there is just one "Meant to be" sort of person, though. I feel like there are a variety of people who, if given the right circumstances, could also have been/be The One.
                              For my own personal relationship, I feel like there is a reason my s/o and I have come so far. Whatever the reason, be it we were meant to be, or it was just luck, I'm content with it.

