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TV shows you watch together!?

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    TV shows you watch together!?

    Jared and I recently started watching Lost on ABC's full episode viewer. He has already seen all of the seasons, but I haven't. So far, I am only on episode six, but it is addictive! This is the first time that we have actually watched a tv show together online. Usually we get stuck on trying to agree on a show, and even if we do find one, usually it is impossible to find a site that hosts it. Watching it on isn't bad because you only have to watch a few commercials, rather than paying for the complete season!

    What shows have you and your SO watched together?

    Welllll, I'm supposed to be watching Bleach for him. >.> But I'm lazy. XD It's so freaking good and interesting, but I'm lazy and I need to watch it more often. =P

    So far we've watched An Empress and the Warriors, Hero, and Ultraviolet together as far as movies go. That is really special because he jumped all over the opportunity to watch those with me- he mentioned watching Bleach together captioned and I said maybe not since we were on radically different episodes in the series. Then I mentioned "that movie" he had said I would like and in about two minutes flat he had found it on YouTube where we could watch it... this is after him spending like half an hour looking for it earlier, mostly unbeknownst to me. It was so special, because it's the only movie we've been able to watch over mic. I think the most memorable things about that movie was when this horse got caught in an evil trap D= and we both said, "Poor horse(y)!" at the same time. He said "jinx" and I said, "You owe me a soda. :P" Then, later in the movie, the two main characters were standing in the rain and it was this really romantic moment and he whispers, "They're gonna kiss!" <3

    Sorry, my ramblings. >.> I vote Hulu and YouTube, definitely, for watching things.


      We usually watch shows on our own TV's and text/MSN/ebuddy throughout.

      We don't have many similar tastes in TV programming so it's usually just 'Friday Night With Jonathan Ross', 'Match of the Day' and 'The Football League Show'.

      Right now though we're both watching the game that's on and texting about that!

      Would love to try that movie site pointed out in Andy's thread though - will have to look into that!!


        Originally posted by Bluestars View Post
        Jared and I recently started watching Lost on ABC's full episode viewer. He has already seen all of the seasons, but I haven't. So far, I am only on episode six, but it is addictive! This is the first time that we have actually watched a tv show together online. Usually we get stuck on trying to agree on a show, and even if we do find one, usually it is impossible to find a site that hosts it. Watching it on isn't bad because you only have to watch a few commercials, rather than paying for the complete season!

        What shows have you and your SO watched together?
        LOST!!!! <3 <3 <3
        This is my ABSOLUTE favorite show EVER!!! I can't wait for the next season... only two days away!!!!

        Okay, anyways.. we have a bit of a hard time watching shows together since our countries don't really have the same shows, haha. We both really like Gordon Ramsey, so whenever Hell's Kitchen is airing we'll watch that together. He just recently started watching Glee, so maybe when the next season is on, we'll watch that together.

        Also, we just started doing this thing... I keep trying to get him to watch Lost with me, because it's a freaking amazing show, but he keeps claiming that he doesn't like it, that he's seen an episode before, blah blah blah, but I haven't relented! So he proposed a negotiation, that if I watched Star Trek Enterprise with him (not a show I like AT ALL), then he would watch Lost with me!!! Luckily we didn't start from the beginning on his show.. more like in the middle of season 3, haha, because that's where he was at. That's totally fine by me, because that's less of that show I have to watch. I think we might start watching Lost today though, whenever he signs on! I'm so excited!!


          First, I ADORE Lost. This Tuesday, new season, HELL yes.

          But besides that! I've watched a lot with my boyfriend. Lost, The Office, Degrassi, and True Blood... I feel like there's more, but I can't think of them right now x_x
          You are at the beginning of your life, perhaps you will have many loves... but if you are fortunate, you will have only one love.


            We don't watch them together per se, but we both watch house and true blood... I am actually the one who got him the first season of true blood to watch, even though I knew the inconsistencies with the books would bother him (and I had no idea at the time how bad they were! but I still love watching Erik *evil grin*). He will be watching the first 10 eps of the 6th season of House thanks to me.... they are behind by at least a season in Kuwait on all the American shows, so he has no reason to pay for cable there LOL

            He got me hooked on House... OMG love that show! I am finishing season 4 right now and hope to have season 5 in the next few weeks... then it will be hurry up and wait for a new ep LOL


              How I Met Your Mother.... although we haven't watched it in months I miss the show, and I won't watch it without him!!
              Just be glad we made it here alive
              On a spinning ball in the middle of space


                House is fantastic!! I love it so much... too bad my boy doesn't like it. Oh well. He likes really cheesy shows like East Enders... don't tell him I told you though.


                  First I'm going to start off by saying, I watched Lost through the first season, and mid second season, gave up on it... >.> (Flame away! :O) And secondly, me and Garnet had a more unique show Queer as Folk (I am a man, and I love this show. Everyone can bite me. :O) that we started watching together during our first trip, and got through the first season. We then watched the next four seasons online together as a date night activity afterwards. Also in the field of online watching dates, she shared a bunch of strange movies she loves with me, and we watched them together online.


                    LOST IS GONNA BE SICK! i just watched all of season 5 the other day and my mind was blow!

                    Well we dont watch tv shows together but we will txt cam msn etc etc while we watch tv, we have the same taste and she is three hours ahead of me so she will tell me whats good that is coming on, but this past football season, we both took part in pickin teams to win and lose and sunday was a day to stay home and watch football and talk with eachother


                      Okay, so I created a fan group on this site for the tv show Lost... we can have discussions once season 6 starts if you want! It's always so much fun to discuss different theories with other people. Definitely join if you want!


                        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                        Okay, so I created a fan group on this site for the tv show Lost... we can have discussions once season 6 starts if you want! It's always so much fun to discuss different theories with other people. Definitely join if you want!

                        God I love LOSt, love it, like properly love it, easily show EVER. It starts here on Friday, a few days after you guys, so I'll be a bit late with my LOST posts
                        In a relationship with

                        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                        My Albums:
                        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                        My dog Sam ♥


                          Originally posted by Andy View Post

                          God I love LOSt, love it, like properly love it, easily show EVER. It starts here on Friday, a few days after you guys, so I'll be a bit late with my LOST posts
                          Hehe, that's alright! Just make sure you're careful if we do have discussions, in case someone posts a spoiler or something. So don't look at any of the posts until AFTER you watch the show!


                            I haven't seen the 5th season yet so I can't join, I know ppl are gonna reveal stuff in there and I don't wanna know what happens yet!


                              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                              Hehe, that's alright! Just make sure you're careful if we do have discussions, in case someone posts a spoiler or something. So don't look at any of the posts until AFTER you watch the show!
                              Oh I won't!

                              God I love it! I've missed it soooooooooooo much!!! I'm all hyped up now!!! Less than a week!!!
                              In a relationship with

                              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                              My Albums:
                              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                              My dog Sam ♥

