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    He may not be the perfect guy and cannot give me more time to talk to him because of 17hours a day of work. He still complete my day in one call. Life is getting so much funn for me. This maybe tough but atleast its not boring i never wish to have an easy life i. Only wanted to be strong to overcome everything. As for now. We have to be strong to hold on each other my understanding is what he needed now and my patient should be extend more & more. I miss him so much and he often say we will be together soon and it makes me feel better. We had plan everything and we just need to do it to make our life better being together. Im busy with lots of things now adays too but not like him. So i added back my healthy works everyday. Exercise & play my sports in weekend. Im excited for his visit so i decided to go back to my old routine so i have 2 more months to lose weight coz for sure when he come we have nothing else to do but eat and spend the intire month together travelling. Sooo thanks guys i have this site to share what i feel. It feels better. Alott of thanksss