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I need help with trust issues.

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    I need help with trust issues.

    Hey guys. I just want to get straight to to point: I am having some trust issue with my SO.
    I came back to her after 8 months apart. About a month before my flight we had a really busy time with our studies so we felt somehow apart and a lack of communication. The day I was home, I was waiting for her to come and visit me so I play around her facebook a bit (we share passwords). but then I came across a message from her to another guy saying "i miss you". I know it was wrong to read it but at that point I couldn't control myself and I still regret it. What I realised from the chat log was they had a date on the day I was on the plane, she told me about it. But what hurts me is they did some intimate stuff together like holding hands and kissing on cheeks and idk what else. When my SO came I had a talk with her about that. She said she felt the distance between us but didn't know what to do about it so she be came vulnerable. She said that 'fling' just started on that day. Because of the distance, she didn't feel too comfortable seeing me. I really want to trust her but what she did really damage my trust somehow. After that she has to do more work so our communication became even harder. She doesn't want to skype with me as much and said she's to busy to skype wth me while just a few months ago no matter how busy she was we still go on skype just to see each other without any disturbing. It's really hard to text her or send her a message and get a reply from her. Sometimes I saw her online on facebook or whatsapp and saw my messages but still no reply. Even though sometimes I'm really tempted to check her messages again but I can't. It's just wrong and doesn't help but only make me more miserable and pathetic. My trust issues here, I don't think it's too big but it's really hard to get rid of with such low level of communication. By communication, I mean just showing some love for each other, like a short message saying 'I love you' or 'Have a nice day' just to make each other feel better since I understand she's busy right now so I don't want to ask for much. I tried to pick her up at work so we can have some physical contact after all those months but I don't feel she treasures it as much as she did last year. I want to confront her with my trust issues. All I need from her is being true to me and improve our communication. As I said, this trust issue is not that big but it's hard to get rid of and I don't want it to get bigger and turn me an insecure and controlling guy. But I really don't know how to start about it without her seeing me as being too demanding and not understanding her. How do I ask her to help me regain my trust in a civil manner? I really appreciate any help.

    So, umm.. I don't want this to sound uncaring, but.. are you sure she *wants* to regain your trust?
    She doesn't make time to skype, she doesn't really answer your messages.. and this part "Because of the distance, she didn't feel too comfortable seeing me."
    Is that saying that she's not sure about being LD?

    Honestly, it kinda sounds like this is her not being forthcoming about her feelings and possibly wanting a breakup.

    Before even getting to discussing your trust issues, I'd discuss with her if she still actually wants to be in this relationship.

    Good luck!


      I agree with silvermoonfairy. Have the two of you agreed to a monogamous relationship..? if so, and both of you understood that, then she kind of cheated on you...she's been involved with a guy behind your back and using the excuse that "the distance is hard." well yes, the distance is hard for everybody, but if you really love someone, you'll do everything you can to make it work. It kind of sounds like she just wants a way out of the relationship without being upfront about it. You should definitely be straightforward with her and ask her if this is even what she really wants anymore. I'm sorry you're going through this and I know you're hurting, but you deserve some answers. Best of luck!


        Yeah I did have some discussions with her about our relationship and how she wants it to be. She said she still wanted to keep it going. Thing is I can see that she has so many things occupying her mind right now. She is the definition of workaholic and loves to work a lot. But recently they are getting out of her hands as she had to focus on her dissertation deadline and it also leads to her work being stuck in one place (she studies and works at the same time!). We also had some issues about her work taking up so much of her time in the past so I can understand what she's going through right now. But this time it's also with the trust issues so I just can't stand still about it

        P.s: After knowing her story, I turned to be very insecure and tried to contact her everyday. Basically I think I smothered her also and that made her felt uncomfortable when she needed to focus on her studies. When we are physically together, we still love and care for each other. I feel we still have intimacy between us. But when we're not, it's kind of hard to communicate. I just think that she's having a huge stress in her head and she doesn't have the right mind to talk while working.
        Last edited by dorabase93; May 25, 2014, 12:52 AM.


          Do you think she has trust issues with you? You did abuse the password she trusted you with. Also, did she really say. sorry about kissing this other guy?

          Working a lot as well as studying sounds hard. But she is in a LDR and should take care of you, and discuss with you how to fit contact into the day and week.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            @differentcountries: I did feel bad about reading her message even when I didn't intend to do that in the first place. And she didn't actually say sorry but when I tell her about what I saw she looked very sad and just hugged me and cried. We did talk about how we're going to be on the day and she said she would make some limit with that guy as well as the others and wanted to keep on the relationship.
            And yes that's what I want to talk to her about. But I really don't want to sound like not being able to understand her hard work and demanding. What can I say to her?

