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Great news! Finally!

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    Great news! Finally!

    Hello everyone

    I just wanted to share my good news with you who understand me best

    In October we will close the distance for 6 months! He lives in the UK and I will come and do a work placement near to where he will start a job in July.
    At the moment I am still waiting for a scholarship organisation to get back to me (I need the money because I won't get paid) but I am quite optimistic.

    I can't believe it and I am soo excited. Although it is a few months until October it already gives me so much more strength to get through the times without him.

    The bad thing is that it will definitely be only 6 months and not longer because I have to go back to uni afterwards.
    Has anyone of you closed the distance for some time and then gone back to LDR? I am very scared of that already. Must be terrible to be apart once you've been together for some time.
    And I am also nervous about being together for these months. It's the first time we can try out if we work together for a time longer than a few days

    But over all I am just so happy

    I'm very happy for you! My SO is currently studying in my country, but needs to go back home in the summer to work. So after being together for a school year, those three months are suddenly quite difficult... Saying goodbye is the hardest part, once you get back into your own routines it's definitely doable. I didn't experience it as much harder than before he lived here, but he's leaving again on Sunday so we'll see how I handle it this year... After next school year we're done though so we'll be LD again for at least 1,5 more years.
    Aanyway, back to being happy for you! Fingers crossed that everything will work out with the scholarship organization


      Aww I'm so happy for you too, that would be an awesome opportunity for you, I hope the scholarship thing all works out!!

      I spent 3 1/2 months with my boyfriend a couple summers ago, which was nice and allowed us to see how we worked together for an extended period of time, and it is always going to be hard to leave and adjust back to life without them. But don't think about that until you have to. Just focus on how many memories you can make together and how you will finally be able to have a better taste of life together. And if you are anywhere near the north west of England or north Wales, I'm jealous. haha :P You will have a wonderful time I'm sure, congratulations on making it this far!!


        We have been CD for 3 months, then again for one year. That was a year ago, and we've had one visit since then. Its tough but you get back into the groove after a month or two.


          That's good best of luck!!!! And ya my fiancé and I were close distance when we worked down At Disney world but then we each had to go back to our own states


            Congratulations! That really is wonderful news It will be a good test for your relationship to see how living together works for you. When you're smart about it, it will be a fantastic time, I'm sure.

            It'll take a lot more than words and guns
            A whole lot more than riches and muscle
            The hands of the many must join as one
            And together we'll cross the river


              That's great! It will probably be much harder after you come home, so you just have to prepare yourself for it.

              Do you have any idea when you'll be able to close the distance permanently?
              Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a fairytale!


                When we met, we were CD for 3 months before he went back to Mexico. After that we spent 6 months apart, one year CD, 1 year LD (with visits) and are CD since nearly 2 years now. It sucks being apart after being together, but you'll adjust again.

                It's great you can be CD for half a year!


                  Thank you all for your nice replies and for sharing your experience on going back to long distance after you have lived together for some time.
                  It will be hard, I know. But you're right, I don't need to worry about this now!

                  I just hope everything works out (the scholarship and finding a flat..) and then I can look forward to it completely

