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Before Bed

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    heehee...*blushes* well, on good weeks/nights we talk for a little bit, 'cuddle,' and then say goodnight. He always asks if he can hold me all night, I always tell him yes. Either that or I ask him to hold me and he says, "Always." then we say "I love you" and goodnight.


      aw i miss "i love you more" arguments...! but its just toby thinks our relationship is too mature for that or something. well, that doesnt even bother me that much.
      and with talking to sleep its really hard, because we both have to be in the mood to talk someone to sleep and that mood comes when youre about to sleep yourself.. but with our time difference... well. doesnt really work, unless one of us is up all night... i had really stuffed up sleeping schedule at one stage, and so did he, but we decided that we both have work and uni, so its just better for us to talk when we can.. without getting over exhauseted and all that. but we still chat before he goes to bed, because thats when we're both online... and he still hates saying that he needs to go.
      and it took me a year to stop elongating the conversation, because it would make us both feel bad... me, for keeping him up and him for having to say goodnight and feeling its pain over and over and over again.


        mmmm we still have I love you more arguments. His mom has overheard said arguments and now teases us both about it.

        our nightly thing is we say goodnight before he goes to sleep everynight without fail. i may have it good, depending on your view, but i get to talk to my s/o on a pretty set schedual. when i first get up in the morning... which is his lunch break at work. right when he gets off work which is shortly after lunch here and at night before he goes to bed which is usually for an hour before i have to put my kids in bed.


          I say goodnight to him, when he says good morning to me. So it's a little difficult. When we Skype and either of us is up well past midnight, it's nice to be able to see the other smiling and saying goodnight, as if we were there... It's usually him convincing me I'm too tired to stay up.


            Originally posted by Taija View Post
            We have a 10 hour time difference, so we're both always going to bed at crazy hours. Our before bed chat usually consists of a lot of huggles and snuggles and I love yous and skype smileys. :P

            Same here...and when we cant both stay awake to wait the other, we spray our perfume on our bed and say good night out loud, corny I know, but its something we agreed on once a long time ago.
            Enamorada de ti!!


              fortunately we live in the same timezone, and we usually go to bed at similar time. but nothing special happen, just "nite! *hug emoticon*" (we primarily talk through IM using blackberry) and sometimes with *kiss emoticon*

              but he rarely gives me good night hugs and kisses lately. makes me feel neglected. am i overreacting?


                When my SO was around more online (back before Spring, oh hot months how I loathe thee!) we'd stay up pretty late and I could always tell when he was getting tired because he'd "cuddle" up to me more and mellowed out and would wonder about certain things or we'd resign our crazy antics and just talk. Several times he'd pass out in front of the computer so when he wouldn't respond for an hour I knew he'd fallen asleep and I would tell him goodnight and turn AIM to mobile and go to bed. What I liked more was when he used to wake me up. I sleep with my phone because I can have AIM transfer my IMs into texts to my phone (it's still a novelty for me, the phone I had before this I got in 05 and I didn't even get text messages on it, much less internet and all this nifty stuff) and I wanted him to feel like he could contact me wherever, whenever. I enjoyed waking up to him talking about wanting to watch me sleep or "kissing" me good morning. Now with him working long hours 7 days a week I barely get a text and in the rare event he's on late at night/early morning he won't wake me up.

                ncyl: Maybe he feels like it got boring? Have you tried giving him the hugs and kisses first? He may respond in kind then. If not, think up something new that's basically the same so you two can keep it going.


                  My SO and I have a 10 hour time difference at the moment (12 hours at some stages) and we usually talk every day before she goes to sleep. Unfortunately we don't really talk before I go to bed because she's usually not at home anymore or still sleeping. Although her voice does help me sleep so much better since I have sleeping problems anyway.


                    I'm 15 hrs ahead of him which mostly sucks - except I get to watch him fall asleep most nights on the webcam


                      my SO and I talk all day throughout the day (we're lucky enough to be in the same timezone, AND the same state. even though we're on opposite sides of it.) and then when one of us is ready to unwind and chill out, then we'll lay down and either he'll call me or I'lll call him and we usually end up talking for like three hours or more. every. single. night. we've been together for almost 9 months and I can only think of about 5 nights we didn't talk. and it's never three hours of silence, always us talking and rambling about something.

                      when we're actually together, though, we'll usually lay down pretty early (keep in mind early for us is about midnight, and we usually end up both going to bed anywhere between 3:30am and 5am >.<) and just kinda snuggling, talking and maybe watching TV. usually I'll end up passing out, though. :P


                        to us its extremely vital for us to say goodnight to each other, if we dont feels like something is missing. But we usually cuddle and snuggle up and say i love you twice before we hang up


                          We have a 7 hour time difference with him ahead. But I work in the afternoon and evening. So when I wake up in the morning he's just getting off work so we talk until I go to work and then he goes to sleep. And when I get home from work, he wakes up to talk to me until he goes to work and I sleep. So considering the time difference, everything works out for us pretty well. I do wish that we slept at the same time though. We always seem to be saying goodnight. And I wish we could sleep together on webcam. But oh well. I'm glad that the time difference works out as well as it does. I know it's not so convienant for others. Before either of us go to sleep we talk and say I love you and do "cuddles" over IM.
                          First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                            My SO works day and night and takes cat naps here and there. He always calls me before my bedtime and tells me to close my eyes and gives me 3 kisses over the phone. He also sends me texts messages in the middle of the night to tell me how much he loves me and how wonderful I am to him. That always starts my day off right!


                              Well there's a huge time difference between me and my SO. He's the one going to bed and I'm the one starting off my day. But everytime we end our chats on IM we always end with a little message saying how we love each other and to have a good day/night with kisses and hugs.


                                We live in the same timezone and we take turns to asterisk-hug each other to sleep. We'd always end our nights with long, meaningful messages. Just so the other would go to bed with a smile on the face.

