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Advice Needed

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    Advice Needed

    Dear all, my gf broke up with me about 3 weeks ago.
    Initially i am sad but it was normal. however till now I am still in a very moody state...
    She said is now become friends better. to bring the feeling.
    This is exactly what the message look like.
    "sorry pls dun buy things for me le.i know u r gd guy but i really no feeling on u 4 yr last 2 trips bk.i knw u r gd guy but at d moment i really wan to b alone.if u hv gd opportunity pls go ahead extend yr contract. i think we b frd better.if got chance in d future we might tgt bk.but not nw after so many incident.i really no strength to move on with u.forgive me for my selfishness.i juz wan focus on my work n not any r/s.i miz d time v r frd.can really talk a lot but not after we tgt.i think is better we b frd d future if hv feeling again then we talk ba.but not nw.i think we b frd nw better.if u really come bk got chance then we tgt bk ba.sorry"

    So i respected her decision and wanted to start everything from fresh.

    However the problem is whenever I txt her or call her, the reply is like 1-2 words and shut me off. Call and always seems to be the wrong time. Basically, its seems that she is giving me the cold shoulder and as like avoiding me.
    Then the next thing is like when i saw her FB post, i knew she is hanging out with guy just that I am not sure if its always the same person. when we broke up she swear that it is not because of 3rd party....

    day & night unable to get into a good sleep... hoping to change things wanted to give her space and time but I am afraid that she is seeing someone new.

    what should I do...

    What ???? I can't even read what that says or what she said ?


      You should probably just give her space, she said she is doing this to focus on work, you have moo strong evidence not to believe her. She also said that she wasn't having strong feelings for you the last two times you visited, as in no "spark" or whatever. As much as id Luke to think that staying friends with her is a good idea- the next time you call her, ask her straight forward why she broke up with you. Whatever she answers you'll just have to trust her. No matter how much you dislike it, I'm sorry to say, there's a reason she broke up with you.
      Honestly if she doesn't think you're good enough right now, she doesn't deserve you right now. Seems like she's keeping you around in case she can't get with someone closer.
      Who knows
      Honestly, I'm as confused as you are about this, best to try and forget about her right now.
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        She said she isn't interested in a relationship. As nicely and with as few vowels as possible. Let her go and move on.

        I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


          I know and everyone know that it is really hard for me to do as I fall deeply in love with her.....
          I kept telling myself when you love a person, all you want is her to be happy. If this is what it takes to make her happy i will rather take up the suffering and pain and see her in happiness...
          Hopefully in future there is a chance for us to get together again...
          Though i will not deny that till today, I miss her.. I miss her badly....

          Thanks for the kind advice....


            from what I could gather from the message she sent you....

            you just need to trust that her reason is right, and move on. Obviously, for whatever reason, she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you and you deserve to be with someone who does Best of luck


              Unfortunately she's not interested in a relationship with you any longer. It's a painful thing to go through but there isn't anything you can do to change her mind and it would be best to stop trying to contact her. I find that keeping busy keeps my mind off of unpleasant things. Try spending more time with friends, taking up a new hobby, taking a class...anything to let time do its thing.
              In all the world there is no heart for me like yours.
              In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
              -- Maya Angelou


                Originally posted by rhabdoviridae View Post
                Unfortunately she's not interested in a relationship with you any longer. It's a painful thing to go through but there isn't anything you can do to change her mind and it would be best to stop trying to contact her. I find that keeping busy keeps my mind off of unpleasant things. Try spending more time with friends, taking up a new hobby, taking a class...anything to let time do its thing.
                Thanks rhabdoviridae
                I understand that best is to give her space and time however it's too late... I dont know why it become worse, she felt annoying whenever i txt her or call her...
                So i stop... Just hoping that she will contact me when she is free...

                Like you said keeping myself busy to get my mind off these unpleasant things... but then it always come back whenever I stop....

                really appreciate the advice given


