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Camp NaNoWriMo/ stories for an LDR guide

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    Camp NaNoWriMo/ stories for an LDR guide

    July is Camp NaNoWriMo (a month of trying to reach a daily writing word count each day), and I'm going to spend it working on an LDR guide. I don't want the guide to be just my own point of view because there are so many different types of couples and relationships out there, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in contributing a few paragraphs or pages of their own stories? I will change all of the names for privacy and if you like I can send a copy of the guide once it's completed.

    Some things I'd really like to include are stories about how couples have gotten past fights and hardships, some unique ways of staying connected, or any special or surprising stories that you think might be beneficial for other LDR couples to know about. And I think it would be awesome if someone could have their partner write about the same thing from their point of view, to see how things can be misinterpreted or just viewed differently.

    Also, if there are any other LDR WriMo's out there, lets connect and encourage each other through the month! It's a really fun and rewarding thing to do, and would be great for anyone who has been looking for a new hobby to keep themselves busy. For anyone who doesn't know, NaNoWriMo is the entire month of November each year, and everyone tries to reach a 50K word count and write a novel. The NaNo camps are more flexible, encouraging writers to pick any genre and set their own word count goals. I did a novel last November, but obviously I'll be doing a non fiction guide this time.

    I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year! I tried to do it about 4 years ago, but I was also studying for my A Levels at the same time, so I only got to 10,000 words

    Would love to get involved, as it sounds like fun. I'm having a proper blank at the moment about any particular hardships we have had apart from losing contact every now and then and the occasional tiff due to a language misunderstanding. But our circumstances aren't the most regular in the world, so there might be a few little anecdotes hidden away in my brain somewhere.


      I'm also a writer. I've never heard of this. I'll look into it now. I'd be more than willing to write a bit for it.


        I won NaNoWriMo in November But I don't have the time this summer to do Camp WriMo. I don't know if I could get my SO to get on board with contributing anything, but I'd be happy to share if you need help


          Originally posted by GuineaPunk View Post
          I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year! I tried to do it about 4 years ago, but I was also studying for my A Levels at the same time, so I only got to 10,000 words

          Would love to get involved, as it sounds like fun. I'm having a proper blank at the moment about any particular hardships we have had apart from losing contact every now and then and the occasional tiff due to a language misunderstanding. But our circumstances aren't the most regular in the world, so there might be a few little anecdotes hidden away in my brain somewhere.
          Yeah it would be super if you could write a little something! Even just a language misunderstanding would be interesting- do you and your SO have different native languages? Honestly I never even thought of that, that must make a relationship pretty challenging at times.

          So what was your novel plot? I did a "grown up" fairytale (not in a sexual way), whose main character was a girl who stumbled into a magical world. I still haven't gotten around to editing it, but I really should. I love my story and I really want to self publish it one day.


            Originally posted by nottheprincesspeach View Post
            I'm also a writer. I've never heard of this. I'll look into it now. I'd be more than willing to write a bit for it.
            Yeah you should definitely look into it. There are really great forums there too, probably more active in November though, but maybe if enough people are interested we could set up an LDR thread and update each other with word counts and cheers of support and things.


              Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
              I won NaNoWriMo in November But I don't have the time this summer to do Camp WriMo. I don't know if I could get my SO to get on board with contributing anything, but I'd be happy to share if you need help
              Congrats! I was a first time winner too. What was your novel about?

              I would love if you could contribute. Is there anything in particular you'd feel strongly about writing about? Truly anything would be good, as I'm going to be covering a lot of info, and I'd like to have other stories and opinions to illustrate as much as possible. Some examples of what a few other people are writing are journal entries about how the separation process feels and how emotions change in time, one couple is writing about how they were able to have such a jealousy-free LDR, one guy is writing about how he proposed to his girlfriend when they were on a trip together, and I've written about many of my own experiences- how I dealt with my boyfriend going through basic training, how I prepare care packages, how we overcame miscommunication issues...etc etc. You know your relationship the best, so honestly whatever you would have the most fun writing about is what I'd most love to include in my book!

