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He broke up with me but still says I love you

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    He broke up with me but still says I love you

    The title pretty much says it all. Well, I have this ex. He lives in Australia and I in the Philippines. He broke up with me almost 2 months ago because of the distance between us. He said it's best for us to not stay as partners and just be friends. I begged him to not break up with me but he still did. I was totally devastated and it came to a point where I feel like I am so down and alone. I loved him and I still do but I am confused. he wants us to be friends but he still texts me and sends me messages on facebook saying he is thinking of me and that he loves me.i don't know why he does this. I didn't message him for days cuz it hurts talking to him but yesterday he did it again. He said he loves me and he is thinking of me and he hopes that im doing fine. I am very confused. I don't know what he likes or wants. I love him and I know the he loves me too but he doesnt want a romantic relationship with me. It hurts me and it hurts me more when he says that he loves me but I can't still have him. I don't know what to do and say to him.

    It's a bad situation to be in I think, because it's almost like he can do whatever he wants on his end, but you're stuck hurting over it, but if things go badly for him, he can always come back to you.

    Personally, I think you need to tell him to stop talking to you, otherwise you're going to continually get hurt by him whenever he talks to you or tells you that he loves you/has been thinking of you. Look after yourself first
    Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
    First met: June 13th 2006


      I agree with BlueCat. This situation is not healthy for you. You have to clarify things with him, explaining that his incoherence make you suffer and I think if the situation don't improve, the best thing to do would be to block their messages otherwise you will continue to suffer every time.
      Courage, time heals the wounds.


        It's time to cut contact. I know that sounds impossible, you're "friends", but you can't be friends with an ex that you're still in love with, it just doesn't work. The only way for you to move on and begin the healing process is for you to block his number, unfriend him from FB, unfollow him on everything else, and just don't talk anymore. What he's doing to you is incredibly unfair, he's keeping you on the side, just in case he changes his mind, and toying with your feelings, he's doing this for him, not you. Good luck.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I agree with Moon, and everyone.
          Cut contact. He's being unfair, and the only way you're going to be able to heal and move on is if you don't talk to him for awhile.

          Good luck!


            Originally posted by Moon View Post
            It's time to cut contact. I know that sounds impossible, you're "friends", but you can't be friends with an ex that you're still in love with, it just doesn't work. The only way for you to move on and begin the healing process is for you to block his number, unfriend him from FB, unfollow him on everything else, and just don't talk anymore. What he's doing to you is incredibly unfair, he's keeping you on the side, just in case he changes his mind, and toying with your feelings, he's doing this for him, not you. Good luck.
            Totally agree with this. He's toying with you and your emotions. And that's not fair. Cut contact, move on and find someone who will truly love you. Good luck!


              I was in this situation every time (literally every time) my ex broke up with me, a whopping 4 times total!!! Cut ties. For real. Tell him you don't want to talk to him until you've healed (maybe). Then block him on everything. It's what you need to do, trust me. My ex did this to me, and now I feel so stupid for being manipulated every time. This is his way of "keeping the door open" for himself if he decides he wants to come back into your life. If he really loves you and cares about you, he'll understand and give you that space you need. Otherwise, like I said, block him.

              I don't want you to feel the same way I felt every time my ex did this to me. It's terrible and it really messed up my self esteem, which I'm still trying to build back up, even 2 years later while I'm in a very happy and loving relationship with my SO.

