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My happy news!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    My happy news!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sad news but good that followed. I'd been planning to go see my boyfriend since June. Well, work was playing around with our time off requests. Well, they finally approved mine (a second time), but I had waited too long and the flight prices increased. I was so hurt and upset. Both of us were. I'm not sure if I can name the company I was going to use, but they start with a P. I was supposed to be able to name my own bid, but they wouldn't take it. They refused anything less than 305 without taxes and fees even though they have some thing with the most recent winning bids and they were all way less than that. Lowest being $222. I had given up. We were both uber depressed. He went to bed and I stayed awake fretting and searching. One of my supervisors at work, Adam, joined messenger on FB and we started talking. He also happens to be my BF's Lead at work. He started helping me look and then I found a site that would give me it for $311 total. I said to him 311-246. He says 49 dollars, is that what you need? I said yeah. Then he goes I'll loan it to you. And I tried arguing but he wouldn't hear it. So he loaned me the money and now I get to see my boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!! I'll never be able to repay Adam enough, but I'm so grateful for it.

    P.S., I told my boyfriend even though I was kind of worried. His financial situation prevents him from doing it for me instead. I'm nervous about his reaction, but I didn't want to lie. Any suggestions on how I should handle this wound to his pride? Because he will have one knowing that another man could do for his girlfriend that he couldn't. He doesn't get jealous, no. It's not that. It's a pride thing and I know he gets very prideful.

    Yay congratulations!! You'll get to see each other and that's the most exciting thing!

    I wonder.. if his pride is hurt.. you could offer him pay the money back when he can? Though really.. I think when you are a couple in a relationship, you do things for each other. Although I know my boyfriend didn't like when I have had to pay for things when he couldn't. Because he wants to be a provider. I think it makes it more awkward being that someone at work offered to pay it.. like are you good friends or why did he do that? Anyways I'm sure you can talk things out and it'll be good because at least you get to see each other. I don't know how you could "never" repay Adam.. it's 49 dollars, I'm sure you will make 49 dollars sometime in the future? Anyways maybe you mean because it's more than the money but he is helping you see your SO. I don't know but good luck, enjoy the visit


      Originally posted by squeeker View Post
      Yay congratulations!! You'll get to see each other and that's the most exciting thing!

      I wonder.. if his pride is hurt.. you could offer him pay the money back when he can? Though really.. I think when you are a couple in a relationship, you do things for each other. Although I know my boyfriend didn't like when I have had to pay for things when he couldn't. Because he wants to be a provider. I think it makes it more awkward being that someone at work offered to pay it.. like are you good friends or why did he do that? Anyways I'm sure you can talk things out and it'll be good because at least you get to see each other. I don't know how you could "never" repay Adam.. it's 49 dollars, I'm sure you will make 49 dollars sometime in the future? Anyways maybe you mean because it's more than the money but he is helping you see your SO. I don't know but good luck, enjoy the visit
      It's more than 49 dollars, he's helping me visit my boyfriend. Plus, Adam lives in the same state as my boyfriend and isn't even my boss, but my boyfriend's. Adam is a friend and I never do that to friends. I'm prideful myself, but he insisted saying he wanted to help me. My boyfriend will just have to understand. I'm sure he will once he gets over the initial hurt of it not being him to help me. I'm happy though. Major excited.


        Oh, Adam is my friend outside of work too. He's my boyfriend's Lead (supervisor) down in MD, but my friend (at work and outside of it)


          Ohh that makes more sense now as well!! Because he is friends with your boyfriend as well so he's more invested in the relationship. I'm sure your boyfriend will be able to get over it, cause at least he can see you. Also since this Adam is a friend, perhaps down the road you and/or your boyfriend will be able to do something nice for him when he needs it.. or just hang out and keep being his friend. It sounds like you and your boyfriend have a good friend there.


            Maybe you guys could thank him by taking him out a nice dinner something...?


              That was already in the plans.

