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Biggest Fear

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    My biggest fear right now is that we'll decide (one or both of us) that we just can't do the distance anymore. We're CD right now because I'm back home looking for a job, but then it could be up to two years before we can close the distance permanently It got brought up a couple weeks ago that maybe we'd take a break, or break up and then see where we are in a few years... I don't like any of those options :P

    For now... we're just trying to appreciate the time we have together and hoping for the best.



      My biggest fear is that we won't be able to close the distance
      I worry about it at times, as I often think there is no possible way we can do it.
      However, I try to remind myself that if there's a will, there's a way! For now, we're enjoying our relationship and taking it one step at a time


        That he won't like me as much and it was all for naught. I'm afraid, but not enough to stop me


          My biggest fear is that I won't be able to handle the distance....(I'm having a lonely day)


            Haven't met yet, but my biggest fear(s) are that he won't find me as attractive in person as he does now. I realize that's silly but I've had an experience in the past where I was wasn't what someone expected upon meeting in person. That and, things won't feel the same in person, our feelings changing during our after the visit.


              Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
              We haven't met. So my biggest fear will be him not liking me when we meet, because then that'll be it, it'll be over.
              Ugh this is so terrifying for me!! I actually had a meltdown last night about it and we got into a small argument because I'm just so worried about it. I met a local guy my age online one time and we met after a month and he decided he didn't like me, so since that happened I've been terrified of meeting my boyfriend. He always tries to tell me that he loves me the way I am and all that stuff but sometimes I still just worry. It can be scary sometimes.


                Originally posted by Sarah96 View Post
                Ugh this is so terrifing for me!! I actually had a meltdown last night about it and we got into a small argument because I'm just so worried about it. I met a local guy my age online one time and we met after a month and he decided he didn't like me, so since that happened I've been terrified of meeting my boyfriend. He always tries to tell me that he loves me the way I am and all that stuff but sometimes I still just worry. It can be scary sometimes.
                You can't help the way you feel sometimes. i wouldn't let it get to the point where we get into an argument about it though. I'll probably freak out before our first meeting though lol
                "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                  My biggest fear before meeting him was if he would not feel attracted to me or not like me. I complex a lot about my body and particularly my weight even if I lost some (I have to admit he was one of my biggest motivations for that! As lame as it is XD). It was a bit awkward for the first hour or so, but everything went perfect after that.
                  So now I'd say my biggest fear would be me or him not being able to handle the distance anymore one day. But I hope it will never happen just like my previous fear has never happened!
                  Last edited by Cora; July 15, 2014, 02:56 PM.


                    I was worried we wouldn't click as well in real life as we did online, and that stuff (anxieties, social awkwardness, etc.) would make it too hard for us to interact well. Thankfully it went much better than expected!

                    It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                    A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                    The hands of the many must join as one
                    And together we'll cross the river


                      I'm worried I will love him too much or that he won't be able to handle just how much I love him. Even though he seems to think its cute how crazy I am about him.

                      I'm also worried about being able to close the distance. I know I will be the one moving, I'm just not sure on the how.

