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He broke up with me for the fourth time....Need Advice bad!!!

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    He broke up with me for the fourth time....Need Advice bad!!!

    Hey everyone,

    So my SO's grandpa has been very sick with pancreatic cancer and he just passed this morning. My SO has been stressed from school, and work, and the death of his grandpa. I've been praying everyday for him and his family and I sent him a care package last week of all his favorite snacks. Last night I could not sleep I had so much on my mind mainly my SO and hoping he's okay, because the last time he was stressed out like last month he broke up with me. So this morning I get a call from him saying he wanted me to call me when I woke up, so I did. My SO broke up with me again, I broke out in tears and I couldn't talk I could barely speak. He broke up with me because he's stressed out from school, work, his grandpa passing, and he needs someone closer that he can cry his shoulder on. I am so hurt I can't describe how hurt I am, this is the fourth time I can't describe the emotions I feel towards me. I lost my grandma over a year ago and he was there for me, well that's what I was going to do for him. He told me he wasn't going to leave me again, he wouldn't make me feel anything but happy and loved. Its going to be so hard letting him go and losing him because my feelings are still there but I can't believe or trust a single word he tells anymore. We've been together for almost two years now and we've been through so much. I need advice, what do I do to get over him forever?!?

    I had to go back and look, but I was thinking he did this to you last time via text. And yep, about a month ago. You said you were done with him then. At least that was the title of your post. He is just going to keep doing this to you if you let him. He wants to end it. Let him. Don't chase him. I know he's got some crap going on right now, but that doesn't mean he can treat you like this constantly. It's too much. He's got a lot of growing up to do and you don't need to take the emotional whiplash he's giving you.

    If I were in your position, I would proceed to remove him from your life. Cut the ties. As painful as this process will be for you, I think it will be the best to not have constant reminders of him everywhere. And you're just going to have to take each day, one day at a time, and start putting your life together again. It takes time and is a process, but it does get easier over time. We're here when you need us, but I think it's time to put this part of your life behind you.
    "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


      This relationship, it needs to be stopped. I'm sorry, but four times!? He can't just break up with you when the going gets tough, it's not fair to you.
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        I'm sorry but I just don't understand why you are giving him so many chances. Yes, I know you will say you love him, but seriously. That's just too much. He obviously doesn't want to be in LDR. Just let him be and move on with your life, for your own sake.


          Here's my advice: do not contact him again. Even if he comes crawling back and tells you he made a mistake, cut all ties. He'd only break up with you a fifth time. This guy is toying with you under pretense of "stress".
          I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


            Agree with the others.. it's time to be done for good. Cut all ties and don't contact him. If he contacts you, don't reply. You need to get over him, and sometimes the only way to do that is by ending contact until you've moved on.

            Good luck.


              Thanks everyone! I cut all ties with him phone number, email, snap chat and he blocked me from facebook. I don't care anymore, its his loss. He's the one that lost something good!!


                Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
                I had to go back and look, but I was thinking he did this to you last time via text. And yep, about a month ago. You said you were done with him then. At least that was the title of your post. He is just going to keep doing this to you if you let him. He wants to end it. Let him. Don't chase him. I know he's got some crap going on right now, but that doesn't mean he can treat you like this constantly. It's too much. He's got a lot of growing up to do and you don't need to take the emotional whiplash he's giving you.

                If I were in your position, I would proceed to remove him from your life. Cut the ties. As painful as this process will be for you, I think it will be the best to not have constant reminders of him everywhere. And you're just going to have to take each day, one day at a time, and start putting your life together again. It takes time and is a process, but it does get easier over time. We're here when you need us, but I think it's time to put this part of your life behind you.
                Yes he did do this via text like a jerk. I'm not going to go back because everytime he broke up with me, he was the one who came crawling back, not me and I will never give in to it again. He needs to grow up and stop acting like a little ass kid and making stupid decisions. It was painful but I cut off all ties with him. There is no going back!!!!


                  Originally posted by bribri2729 View Post
                  He needs to grow up and stop acting like a little ass kid and making stupid decisions.
                  He does indeed woman. And you're right. His loss. Take care of yourself
                  "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


                    I've been following along your posts and I'm so sorry it happened this way, but good for you to not let him hurt you anymore. I would be afraid to marry someone like that! Good luck and find someone you know is worth having you! (:


                      This guy doesn't even comprehend the meaning of being in a relationship.

                      First Visit: September 2016
                      Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                      Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                      John 3:16
                      For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                      John 4:12
                      I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                        Originally posted by bribri2729 View Post
                        Hey everyone,

                        So my SO's grandpa has been very sick with pancreatic cancer and he just passed this morning. My SO has been stressed from school, and work, and the death of his grandpa. I've been praying everyday for him and his family and I sent him a care package last week of all his favorite snacks. Last night I could not sleep I had so much on my mind mainly my SO and hoping he's okay, because the last time he was stressed out like last month he broke up with me. So this morning I get a call from him saying he wanted me to call me when I woke up, so I did. My SO broke up with me again, I broke out in tears and I couldn't talk I could barely speak. He broke up with me because he's stressed out from school, work, his grandpa passing, and he needs someone closer that he can cry his shoulder on. I am so hurt I can't describe how hurt I am, this is the fourth time I can't describe the emotions I feel towards me. I lost my grandma over a year ago and he was there for me, well that's what I was going to do for him. He told me he wasn't going to leave me again, he wouldn't make me feel anything but happy and loved. Its going to be so hard letting him go and losing him because my feelings are still there but I can't believe or trust a single word he tells anymore. We've been together for almost two years now and we've been through so much. I need advice, what do I do to get over him forever?!?
                        This dude sounds like a dude I dated two years ago. He kept using what was happening with his sister as an excuse to treat me like shit. He cheated on me while I was on vacation in Vegas and said it was an accident. Really? Accident. Mmm gotcha. He wasn't/still isn't worth one single breath from my body and this dude isn't worth you. I haven't seen your other posts, but this isn't treatment you should be receiving. We all get stressed. Doesn't give you a right to treat someone like garbage.


                          You have to protect yourself as it seems this man isn't willing to protect you. I would think twice about having sex with a man that doesn't respect boundaries... What will stop him from removing the condom during sex? Be sure he can be trusted and is worthy of you before you go any further. No condom, no sex. Also look for a back up method like a contraceptive gel, the sponge or a diaphragm to be extra safe from pregnancy and keep the condoms in place always.
                          Remember, sex is to be enjoyed and since this is your first time he should do any and everything to make you feel comfortable and safe and if he is pressuring you or making you uncomfortable, you can always say NO. Be safe!


                            Originally posted by IrisJaye View Post
                            You have to protect yourself as it seems this man isn't willing to protect you. I would think twice about having sex with a man that doesn't respect boundaries... What will stop him from removing the condom during sex? Be sure he can be trusted and is worthy of you before you go any further. No condom, no sex. Also look for a back up method like a contraceptive gel, the sponge or a diaphragm to be extra safe from pregnancy and keep the condoms in place always.
                            Remember, sex is to be enjoyed and since this is your first time he should do any and everything to make you feel comfortable and safe and if he is pressuring you or making you uncomfortable, you can always say NO. Be safe!
                            I had to look and see if I had missed a new thread.
                            Looks like this one was from almost 3 years ago. Still good advice, but I certainly hope this poster has moved forward from this relationship.
                            To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                            ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

