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What's your story?

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    What's your story?

    How did you meet your SO? When did it become official? How did you'll fall in love? How did your parents react to you having a LDR? Pretty much I want to know the story of you and your SO. I like long stories so don't be afraid to include all the details haha.

    I met my SO on holiday, he works in a beach restaurant and he was my waiter. He was very pushy in asking me to have drinks with him and even started telling my friends I was going to date him! I would hate it if anybody else did something like that... But he was handsome and quiet and somehow it just worked for me. My friend knew him a bit from before, she was like, he is a nice guy. We fell in love part live, part online the weeks following my holiday. It became official between us pretty soon, I think both me and him felt there was something special. And my husband and friends could see it too. I think about half my close friends know, and all his close friends and colleges and some family, I will start telling family when I get back home. My parents don't know yet but it is not like I live with them... They do know I travel a lot though. The plan was to take things very slow. All of a sudden I have met his family, we live together part time and we have even lived with my husband two weeks. I am so lucky to have met him.
    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


      1. I like your user name.

      2. If you do a search in the upper right, you'll find about 3468986533 threads about people's stories. There are so many, you'll get tired of reading them

      3. To answer your question, work.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        I met mine at work too. Through Skype which is their official work "chat." We became friends right off the bat. I already knew I was into him and I didn't know he was into me too. I should have guessed, but I've been misled before. Finally on May 7th, we had a massive fight about a dbag celebrity tattoo artist and he said "I KNOW YOU WILL NEVER WANT ME." (close to this. Might not be the exact wording) and I said "I never said that." It got us to talking serious, about becoming a couple. This is his first LDR and he's scared and nervous a lot, but doing well. That's my story.

        PS: I recently thanked the dbag artist, but he's such a dbag he couldn't say you're welcome.


          My boyfriend and I met on a forum site where I posted to ask a question and he replied, then sent me a private message to explain his comment. We started talking and became friends very quickly. We texted everyday from the time I got home until it was time for bed. It was about a month later when we became "official". We fell in love just from talking and having a ton in common. We both love baseball and music so we talked about those two things frequently. Our first "real" phone conversation was over an hour long and we talked about nothing but music. My parents haven't reacted yet because they don't know that we're dating and his parents don't know either. My parents know I have tons of online friends and I mention him and my other friends fairly often so they know I talk to him but I haven't yet told them that we're together. I do plan on telling them soon though since it's been over a year and I'm certain that our relationship is healthy and we would like to meet sometime soon so hopefully by telling them it will make the process much easier.


            I was having some bad anxiety a little over a year ago and started getting on the social anxiety website, and I just randomly asked a question about peoples opinions on bellybutton rings and one of the people that replied, sent me a private massage apologizing if he came off as rude. He wasn't being rude though lol hes just too nice. But eventually he asked for my number and I was very hesitant and eventually I let him have it and I was just waiting for things to go in the wrong direction and for him to want naked pictures like every other guy on the internet. I even tried to stop talking to him by going days without talking but somehow we never stopped and I grew to like him more and more and realized just how incredibly sweet he is.

            He started like me first lol like 3 weeks of talking to me and told me he liked me and I always told him that I barely knew him and I told him that I just didn't feel the same about him. I actually didn't start liking him like that until like a year in when it was getting close to our first time meeting each other in real life. It was really sudden because I was actually dreading his visit but suddenly I was so stinking excited and started realizing my feelings for him, and when we spent time together when he visited me, it was just awesome. We just stayed up and talked all night most of the time, and I realized how truly in love with him I was when he left and I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest, and I actually cried which is not something I do often lol. So a few hours after he left is when I finally told him that I loved him. Then about a week later, I did something horrible that broke his heart that I still feel bad about. But a guy in my class at my university asked me out on a date and I accepted and we started dating for a little while, and it made him feel like everything I said was a lie. But after dating this other guy, it made me see that I wasn't really into it because my feelings for my internet guy were just too strong.

            And to end this story, my sweet guy surprised me and told me that he applied and got accepted into my university and after thinking it over, he has decided to transfer to my school. SO in less than a month we will be closing the distance for good, and he even signed a lease for an apartment that is just down the street from mine without realizing it. Im just so excited!


              I was having some bad anxiety a little over a year ago and started getting on the social anxiety website, and I just randomly asked a question about peoples opinions on bellybutton rings and one of the people that replied, sent me a private massage apologizing if he came off as rude. He wasn't being rude though lol hes just too nice. But eventually he asked for my number and I was very hesitant and eventually I let him have it and I was just waiting for things to go in the wrong direction and for him to want naked pictures like every other guy on the internet. I even tried to stop talking to him by going days without talking but somehow we never stopped and I grew to like him more and more and realized just how incredibly sweet he is.

              He started like me first lol like 3 weeks of talking to me and told me he liked me and I always told him that I barely knew him and I told him that I just didn't feel the same about him. I actually didn't start liking him like that until like a year in when it was getting close to our first time meeting each other in real life. It was really sudden because I was actually dreading his visit but suddenly I was so stinking excited and started realizing my feelings for him, and when we spent time together when he visited me, it was just awesome. We just stayed up and talked all night most of the time, and I realized how truly in love with him I was when he left and I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest, and I actually cried which is not something I do often lol. So a few hours after he left is when I finally told him that I loved him. Then about a week later, I did something horrible that broke his heart that I still feel bad about. But a guy in my class at my university asked me out on a date and I accepted and we started dating for a little while, and it made him feel like everything I said was a lie. But after dating this other guy, it made me see that I wasn't really into it because my feelings for my internet guy were just too strong.

              And to end this story, my sweet guy surprised me and told me that he applied and got accepted into my university and after thinking it over, he has decided to transfer to my school. SO in less than a month we will be closing the distance for good, and he even signed a lease for an apartment that is just down the street from mine without realizing it. Im just so excited!

