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New and kind of need a ramble!

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    New and kind of need a ramble!

    My my, it's been a long time since I joined a forum but I stumbled across this and felt like maybe I should get some stuff off my chest.

    Basically, I met my boyfriend at university and since it's summer now I'm not going to see him for a couple of months - the longest we've ever been apart. Normally I reckon I could cope with it but there's a few factors that are making us being apart really difficult for me right now.

    Number one is I'm back living with my parents and I hate it. I basically have a very difficult and complicated home life which, until I moved away, caused me to be very depressed. That depression definitely comes back when I'm here. My boyfriend is the only person in the world who knows the details and who I talk to about it and who I allow myself to cry about it infront of. Because if this, he's the only person in the world who makes me feel better about it.

    In addition to this, he's going really far away for a very long time over summer. I'm talking thousands of miles. So skyping and stuff is going to be more difficult than it would be normally, which just makes me feel very low. Normally when I'm at home and feeling low I'll know that I'll either be seeing him in a couple of weeks or failing that we'll be on the phone/skyping enough to keep me happy. Basically I'm just going to feel very alone with my problems while I'm at home because I can't really even talk to him to cheer me up.

    I know we have it a lot better than other couples and I'm trying to remain positive and think about when I'll see him again but I just feel so very sad and lonely all the time. My friends/family aren't even really around for me to take my mind off things right now, either. I'm trying to keep busy but I don't have much money or people to do things with while I'm here.

    I know there's not a lot anyone can do for me and I guess it's just a situation of waiting it out, but I definitely feel like I need some encouraging words right now!
    Last edited by chasingdragonflies; July 19, 2014, 07:18 PM.

    Have you tried keeping a journal? When I was going through depression really bad, keeping a journal let me write out my feelings, which would make me feel a little better. Then maybe you would be able to talk about it with him later on.

    Playing online games, talking on forums, and making friends online used to help distract me from feeling alone. Hobbies of any kind can be very helpful to distracting you or helping you to cope with any kind of problem.

    As for encouraging words, just remember that it won't be that long before you see him again. A few months isn't that bad. It may seem like it now, but it could always be worse right? Maybe if you really miss him, you can do cute things for him, like sending long messages while he's away or quote pictures or something. Or you could make a blog about him (you can keep it private). Or make a scrapbook. Those are just some of the things I do when I am really missing my boyfriend.
    Last edited by LovingAcrossTheAtlantic; July 19, 2014, 10:34 PM.


      Really, unless he's so far out in the bush that he can't get good reception, there should be no difference in your Skype, texting, etc. Many of us are mega-thousands of miles away from each other, but we get along fine with Skype and other technology. And, if you stay busy doing things you enjoy and that make you happy, find a hobby, read some good books, watch movies, pamper yourself, etc., the time will go faster, and, really, 2 months isn't that long. Many of us go much longer without seeing each other. It's just the way it is with a LDR.

      Anyway, you have come to the right place for support and counsel, and tips on ways to survive all of this. Many here are in similar situations, and we are all a friendly lot. Welcome!


      Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


        One thing I just recently started is a shared journal, from an app for my phone, available for both Android and iPhone. It's called Chapter. You can write journal entries, and add photos. And you just send him an e-mail to invite him to share in it. Then you can see and talk about what each of you is doing, and write comments on the things that you post. I have it on my phone, and it is synched to my NOOK HD, too.

        Another thing I have is a blog for us at With a blog, you can make it so you can invite him to share in it with you.

        One of our favorite places to share is on Facebook. I created a SECRET group just for us. And of course we also use Messenger and inbox.

        There are other apps and things you can do for fun with each other, too.

        And be sure to look at the list of 100 Fun Things to Do in a LDR...right here on this site.


        Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart

