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You and your SO's families

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    My SO's parents are both deceased, so unfortunately the parents will not meet. I doubt our kids will meet prior to the move to TX and/or the wedding. My SO kids are mostly all grown and are in TX, GA, FL and IN. My two live here in NH and are 18 & 19 and are both moving into their own lives, so it's not like we'll end up being the Brady Bunch lol.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      My family adores my SO and pretty much instantly welcomed him as part of the group. I haven't met his family yet, but I know that while they are sceptical about the whole LDR part, they are genuinely happy for him. I know they are decent people and I respect them, even though I have to admit that I don't agree with a lot of their life choices and how they impose them on my SO. I also have to bite my tongue a few times when he tells me about offensive or careless things they've said either to him or about me and my heritage. All in all, not my favorite people so far, but I will absolutely give them a chance when I visit. The main issue definitely will be the very different worldviews and the cultural clash that comes with them.

      I can imagine it would be similiar if our families met. My mom is a very down-to-earth, outspokenly leftwing historian while his parents are religiously and politically conservative workers. Both my mom and his parents love meeting new people and learning about different cultures, so they would absolutely be open to the experience, but I just can't imagine it going over without some fauxpas. The conversation would most likely get to politics in some fashion at some point, and since both his parents and my mom love discussing them, it would go south quickly! Thankfully, my mom is not big on long distance flights, and while my SO's family loves to travel (his mom is a travel agent, even) they are currently struggling with some financial issues, so I don't think they will meet anytime soon. The most likely time would be if I marry my SO, and that's not planned in the least at the moment.

      I don't know enough about his siblings to really judge how they would act towards me or my mom. My own brother is definitely not going to get to meet them if I can help it, though, I'm not exactly fond of him.

      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
      The hands of the many must join as one
      And together we'll cross the river


        Yea, ours definitely wouldn't meet unless we got married. Lol. His parents are no longer alive, nor were they together when they were alive (his mom and dad split up when he was like 8). The only family he really has is his siblings, some cousins, and his uncle. That's it. They would probably just tolerate each other during the wedding/rehearsal if we ever got married. My family and his family have completely different personalities. His family loves drinking. Mine, not so much. Plus, my family is quiet (on my dad's side, my mom's side...they're all estranged from each other). There's no language barrier at all, except my grandparents. Otherwise, everyone is fluent in English and was either born in the US or immigrated young, so they don't have much of an accent. Again, minus the grandparents.


          We both come very strict communities. I still haven't told my family about him, but he's told his about me. They don't like that I'm not from their community. I am yet to meet them, but I'm super nervous. I told him that his approval is the only one I need, and that's what he needed to hear. We would all communicate in English

