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Our first month together has come to an end :(

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    Originally posted by Cat-and-Austin View Post
    Yeah, I teared up in the store today because he wasn't with me to ask if we could buy Doritos! But I also sorted out my passport for when I go over at Christmas and his mum also finally said that I was allowed to go over! So all in all there is a lot of silver linings
    Sometimes it's those little moments when it's the hardest but a Christmas visit is something awesome to look forward to and his mum's agreement is awesome news! I agree with the others who said to just have a few days for the sadness. It's no good to fight the tears but it's wonderful to look forward to another visit!
    When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
    no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


      I'm in a very similiar boat right now, considering that my SO stayed for three weeks until yesterday and that I see him again right after Christmas.

      It's definitely very painful, and I feel you all the way on that. Having one half of the couch empty and my room being so quiet is very unnerving. I feel like I don't want to do anything and everything is just sadness.
      But that's the thing - It's absolutely normal to feel that way! Allow yourself that sadness. Bottling it up is only going to make it worse. Having a few days of licking your wounds is absolutely okay. Then, make sure to find things to occupy yourself with and look forward. We can both see our SOs again in just a bit over 4 months! That's absolutely something to keep going for. Think of the good times you've had and will have with your SO, don't focus on the loneliness.
      And as others said before, hobbies, friends and the likes are all good things to spend your energy on while you can't be with your loved one. Nurture yourself and do something that's good/educational/healthy for you. Personally, I start going to a new school in a week to get a better degree, and I do it partially for myself and partially to have more to give into my relationship once we close the distance. Are there things you can do in a similiar vein, maybe, like taking community college or online courses about a new subject, investing more energy into school/work or something similiar you enjoy?

      Best of luck to you - The sadness is very painful, I know that all too well, and it's okay to let it happen for a bit. But you are strong, both on your own and with the help of others combined, and you can move forward too

      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
      The hands of the many must join as one
      And together we'll cross the river


        Originally posted by SquigglePops View Post
        What I did was make a box to send to him, full of "open when..." letters and funny little presents and such. I made 100 letters and some of these included presents so it took me a few weeks to get it consumed my mind but as I was still thinking about him I still felt connected to him. It helped me a lot and he absolutely loved it!

        B x
        Wow... A 100 letters are impressive! I think I made 31 letters to my SO when I did "Open when" for him but that was also the exact countdown for the next visit. What will be a good idea, is to make something that will make him count down easier, and will keep you busy. I have made letters, I have made different types of books (there are tips on how to do this in the section about gifts and letters), I have written letters, translated Norwegian poems and sent it to him in a card, put my perfume on filt fabric and sent it to him. There are lots and lots of ways.

        After my last visit, my SO joked that he is going to buy some coal and draw a line on the wall for each day that goes by without me, like an inmate at prison! But I definetely think that is is more useful to count DOWN, so anything you can use to count down can be good. I am thinking about making him like a calender where he can check out the days until I come. I would definetly reccomend doing something with your hands.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          Im kinda glad someone posted this and all the responses I myself am currently in Wales.. I have 6 months here well 5 left..then I have to go back home to Texas..and was hoping that my fiance would be able to join me and we would completly close the distance, but it doesnt look possible yet and its been on my mind alot lately how i will deal with going home alone after being together for 6 months. The only difference here is.. I have a 5 year old waiting on me at home... and I know i'll be happy to see him but how to be happy while facing knowing my fiance and I have to be apart again..


            This was always the hardest part for me. The struggle of the silence after Stephen left. You get so used to them being around, and everything in your room makes you miss them. It DOES get easier though. As soon as you settle back into your routine before he got there, it'll all go back into place. It's hard! The hardest part of an LDR in my opinion, but it's so worth it. <3


              Awww! I hope you're feeling better by now, but I know how hard it can be. I just spent 3 months with my BF and now I've been away from him for a month and it has gotten a LITTLE easier but it still sucks. You probably feel like a part of you is missing. I told him it feels like I left part of my body in LA with him. Try to focus on other things you love. You are going to miss him but what has helped me is getting back to my life and being "normal" again, if that makes sense. Christmas will be here soon! <3 Hang in there!!!

