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Closing The Distance!! Is This Normal?

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    Closing The Distance!! Is This Normal?

    So I met a guy online a little over a year ago, and much to my surprise I ended up really liking him, and here we are all this time later and we haven't gone a single day without talking to each other. I am so excited to say that in just 2 days, he is making the 12 hour trip to where I am and moving into an apartment and going to school with me starting this fall. The thing is, we aren't actually officially a couple because we didn't want to put a label on something long distance, mainly so neither of us feel tied down or anything (my idea). We both really love each other though, and I think we are perfect together. We are totally comfortable together and he feels like my best friend. Seriously, every time we talk on the phone, we can never keep the conversation under 2 hours. One time we even talked on the phone for 6 hours straight! He is just the best guy I have ever met, and the only one that I could see a future with. We haven't talked about it exactly, but both of us kind of feel like we will be officially boyfriend and girlfriend at some point after he gets here. Like its just an understood thing. He is so 100% optimistic about everything, and I don't think he has a single worry about it. I, on the other hand, AM pretty optimistic and am so excited and looking forward to it, but I am so afraid that it isn't going to work out like we hoped. We have met in person before so I know he is who he says he is, but im still so nervous that we wont work out and that he came all the way to me for no reason in the end. He said that he has never been so happy as he is now that im in my life, and I am so afraid that he wont like my everyday typical self, or maybe that I wont be able to give him enough together time because of school and my job.

    Is this normal to worry about? Is this a sign that I am unsure about my feelings for him? I really do feel like I love him. He is out of the country right now on vacation so I only get to talk to him through facebook once a day, and I miss him sooo much that I tear up when I think about it, so I feel like that is a good sign that I really do love him. But honestly I don't even know how to tell because I have never been in a serious relationship before. I have dated guys but I have just not liked any of them long enough to be with them for longer than a few weeks, but I feel like this guy is soo different from them.

    It's not a sign that you're unsure of your feelings. Look around the forum. Everyone has the same fears as you. I even made a poll about it. Just take it one day at a time. Don't rush headfirst. Slow and steady.

    Welcome to the forums, btw.


      Regarding your worries:
      Everyone, I repeat -Everyone has them.
      Also, if you're both willing to fight for it, and try as hard as you can, no obstacle could stand in your way.
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        Hi, You sound like you are doubting your own feelings too much, maybe you are scared? I am my boyfriend's first real girlfriend too (he did see someone before me but it was more an arrangement than a relationship) and he is sometimes scared about it and about the future. I can understand that, love is scary! In time it becomes a little less scary :-) i understand you will both be busy so that will make it a little easier than if one is just waiting for the other.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          I think it's normal to be worrying over such things. My only advice is to take each day as it comes. Go slow, don't rush headfirst into anything. Enjoy his company when he is with you, and see where it goes

