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Bittersweet homecoming

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    Bittersweet homecoming

    So if you read my other thread about grandpa, you'll know that my boyfriend's grandfather is on life support. My boyfriend has decided to come home to say goodbye and be at the funeral. It's a bittersweet homecoming for me because it's not a good reason why he's coming home, but I'm glad that I get to see him instead of not seeing him for another 4 months.

    It's going to be difficult to balance the happiness that I have for seeing him and the sadness I feel because of his loss.


    It's all right to be happy he is back regardless of the reason just don't expect him to be as happy.. Make sure you are there for him, I'm sure he will have mixed feelings about the visit too!
    Met: 2.20.10
    Started Dating: 4.22.10
    Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
    First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
    Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
    Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


      I agree with P1nkL3m0n4d3. Best of luck!


        It's completely understandable. And on another bittersweet level, you get to be with him during a rough time instead of being separated - I think THAT is really awesome. *smiles*

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          I don't expect him to be as happy, I know he's happy to get to see everyone, but blah... I just wish that he was coming home for simply that and that the real reason wasn't because of his grandfather. I'm definitely sure he's full of mixed emotions about it.



            When we he be back? I can totally understand what you are going has to be a mix of emotions.... I am glad you are able to be there to support him though....
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              his plane leaves today, it's about a 20 hour flight, so he'll be home 1-2 days (i'm having a hard time figuring out the time differences and flight times and such) but I guess Wednesday night or Thursday morning.



                wow. wow. I can see why you are feeling the way you are...this is SUDDEN. You have in your mind that it was going to be 4 months..and now it is NOW.

                I do want to say is OK to be excited to see him honey...I Know there is probably a part of you that is feeling guilty about being didnt cause his grandpa to be happens (
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  Originally posted by Karringtyn View Post
                  wow. wow. I can see why you are feeling the way you are...this is SUDDEN. You have in your mind that it was going to be 4 months..and now it is NOW.

                  I do want to say is OK to be excited to see him honey...I Know there is probably a part of you that is feeling guilty about being didnt cause his grandpa to be happens (
                  that is exactly it... I dunno, it's tough, and I know I didn't cause it, but I know he's upset, and I just feel like how could I be excited about something so bad? you know?



                    I do know.

                    You aren't excited because he is are excited that the man you love so much is coming to visit so much sooner than you thought. ((((Hugs)))))
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      which is why it's bittersweet, I just don't know how happy I'm supposed to be, I'm so confused about the whole situation... he left a little bit ago for the airport, so this is it, tomorrow night he will be home, and i understand that the first day or so he's going to want to be with his family, but thursday night I think he's trying to hang out with some friends, and I'm just not sure how to read the situation since he's not really talking about it.



                        Maybe just sit back and let HIM decide how to go about all of this. Let him know you are there for him in any capacity...but I am sure he already knows this..
                        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                          That is very bittersweet, but at least you're going to be able to be there for him during this tough time. This can make you guys even stronger. Best of luck!


                            I have to say that having everyone here is helping a lot, I'm glad that i have this family that can understand why this is bittersweet to me, I tend to think I can't really talk to other people about this because I almost feel selfish for being happy that I get to see him. So thanks to everyone for your words, they're really helping me realize that it's ok to be feeling the way I am about it.



                              It's totally okay! Not to sound morbid, but it's a blessing in disguise. You get to actually be able to physically comfort him, hold him and tell him you love him and it'll be okay, rather than just saying the words from far away. It will make you both much closer and much stronger. And I'm sure he will very much appreciate the fact that you're there, no matter if anything is spoken or not. Your presence alone will help him through.

                              Good luck, and remember that you are strong

