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Sad When She Leaves

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    Sad When She Leaves

    I just spent a wonderful 3 day weekend with my SO but when she leaves, I turn to mush. I am greatful for the time we spend together but on the last day, I start falling apart knowing that she is leaving soon. We see each other every other weekend and talk/text constantly so it shouldn't be a big deal, but it always is for me. Can some explain why?

    In the past (I'm 48), I never cried. Now I cry at the thought being away from her when I should just be happy that we get to see each other on a fairly frequent basis. What's my problem?

    You should consider yourself extremely lucky you get to see your SO every other weekend! And it's okay to cry, just let it all out. It's normal to feel sad that your SO isn't around as much you wish, but you should think on the brighter side and how good you have it compared to others.


      I know how you feel.. When my SO leaves, I feel a mixture of happiness from being with him, and an urge to breakdown and cry. I just try to stick it out as well as you can, talk to your SO as much as you can. Be together in everyway possible until you can be together together again. It's frustrating saying goodbye.. In the end it'll be ok. Cause when you're with that one person.. Everythings perfect..
      Although this distance breaks my heart,
      And it's unbearable when we're apart,
      I know that it will all be fine,
      As my heart is yours,
      And yours is mine.. <3


        It's difficult for people to be ripped away from a mate. They make us happy. Plus, there is also the fact that you're squeezing as much positive couples time together as possible during a short time, so there is a bit of the 'vacation letdown' if you know what I mean. You're having these short, intense times together, and those hormones are pumping into your system like crazy.

        It's not a problem, it's part of the give and take in an LDR. Yes, you're lucky you get to see each other (we all wish we could have that, but se la vie), but it doesn't make being apart any less painful or any less difficult for you.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          It's hard to be separated from your loved one no matter what the distance.


            Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
            It's hard to be separated from your loved one no matter what the distance.
            When things are "perfect" being away is just so painful. God I know this feeling...seems like I am the happiest I have ever been....yet I am also the saddest.
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              For me there is nothing wrong with crying. You love her and miss her. Hope you can close the distance soon.

