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Too positive?

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    Too positive?

    So tonight I just noticed that Im startin to enjoy life again I hang out with friends a lot, Im more spontanous (the other night people called me at 11pm to come hang out) and I'm just happy overall

    But Im worried if this might affect my LDR cause my SO is havin a rough time as it seems. I dont want him to think that Im all happy and nothin carin or well that he would just drag me down from my happiness level with his problems.
    I do my best tho to keep him happy and so far everythin is fine but I do feel kinda bad when Im out about havin fun and all that and he's workin on stuff for school and bein stressed.
    (Maybe its just now cause Im still on holidays...)

    So am I bein too positive or am I just worryin for basically no reason?

    Don't worry so much! Just be there for him when he is down and if you need to, talk to him and ask him how he feels about you being out having fun. I'm sure he is happy that you are happy! <3
    Met: 2.20.10
    Started Dating: 4.22.10
    Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
    First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
    Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
    Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


      i agree. As long as you show him u understand him and care for him, there shouldnt be a problem
      maybe your happiness and optimism will help him aswell


        You're worrying for nothing. Everyone goes through stressful periods. Just stay loving and supportive. He surely wants you to have a life outside of your relationship - it's what keeps you interesting!

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          I find if you're happy and the SO isn't, you can do a better job of cheering them up or just being a shoulder as opposed to you both being surly. So long as you don't act like you're fine without him then there's nothing to worry about.


            i think you are worrying for nothing. You are doing your best to make him happy and you shouldn't worry about this.


              I'm going to agree with the majority: You're overworrying. Just be there for him as a supportive shoulder and show him love and smiles =]


                Don't worry so much! You're happy and therefore he will be happy for you


                  I don't think you can ever be too positive As long as you're there to support your SO then he shouldn't be annoyed how happy you are.


                    Just enjoy this happiness and optimism and it will wear off on him!
                    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                      thanks everyone!

